Lynn Jaffee is a practicing acupuncturist in Minneapolis, MN. She has worked in the field of health promotion since 1985, and has written numerous articles on health for a variety of publications. Lynn is the author of the book, Simple Steps: The Chinese Way to Better Health and co-author of the book The Bodywise Woman , a savvy guide to women's health. She also writes about health and Chinese medicine on her blog, Acupuncture Health Insights at .
Lynn received a Masters of Oriental Medicine from the Minnesota College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and holds a Bachelors degree in Health and Human Services. Lynn is nationally certified in both Acupuncture and Chinese herbology, and is licensed through the Minnesota State Board of Medical Practice. Lynn is also certified in the Mei Zen method of cosmetic acupuncture.
Lynn's area of special interest is in treating emotional conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression, and conditions that are aggravated by stress, lifestyle, or hormones. She has successfully treated patients suffering from conditions such as irritible bowel syndrome, headaches, pain conditions, PMS, and menopause symptoms. She also specializes in cosmetic acupuncture for the face. Lynn is committed to helping people improve their health, feel better and have more energy. Her approach to treatment is holistic, compassionate, and respectful.
Lynn is available as a public speaker on a variety of topics. She has presented to several groups of all sizes on topics related to acupuncture and Chinese medicine, such as aging, understanding acupuncture, skin care, cosmetic acupuncture, and Chinese dietary theory. If you would like to have Lynn as a speaker to your group, contact her at (952) 545-2250.
I believe that there is a mental health component to any illness or health condition that you might have. Whether emotions are the source of your condition or simply aggravating your symptoms, your mental health must be addressed in order for complete healing to occur.
I also believe that healing springs from a partnership between the practitioner and client. My role is that of a health coach, and I will use a variety of tools including acupuncture, herbs, food therapy, heat, bodywork, and lifestyle counseling to build an effective treatment. Your role is to make a committment to alter those factors which are contributing to your ill-health. Together, we can calm your mind, relieve your pain, and improve your health.
Check out my web site at or my blog at for more articles on acupuncture, conditions it can treat, and how to live more healthfully.
You can contact me from my website or call (952) 545-2250.
I look forward to hearing from you!