As long as I can remember I have wanted to help people in some way. Since I was a young girl, people have come to me to talk, and I always took the time to listen. During the past six years I have incorporated my diversified skills and life wisdom into the coaching sessions I provide locally through my private practice and through my tele-coaching sessions to clients around the world.
Our imagination is an innate part of us as demonstrated in children's imaginations. Each of us has our own inner wisdom and through visualizations what we we want can be brought into reality much more quickly as the subconscious mind influences the conscious mind. We think about - manifests.
I regularly conduct lectures at local hospitals and healing centers as well as provide educational workshops in person and via teleseminars. I've been recognized within my community and chosen 'Favorite Hypnotherapist' in the Reader's Choice Awards for the past five years.
I'm now expanding my horizons through social media and have gained a following on Twitter @Greatbearwoman so that I may help even more people live to their full potential. If you choose to BE all you can BE, let me guide you to create your own magical transformation.
It's gratifying to assist people in seeing the possibilities available to them. As clients get in touch with their own inner wisdom their goals and dreams are manifested.
Eliminate obstacles, stay focused and on track toward a life of inner peace, harmony and balance. Each Life Force Personal Empowerment Program is tailored to the unique individuality of the client. PEP are available in three levels - Copper, Silver and Platinum to accomodate different needs and budgets.
A Few of the Benefits My Clients Receive
"Live your life as a work of art". ~ Leonardo Di Vinci
"For fast relief, try slowing down". ~ Lily Tomlin
"Make your dreams more real than your fears". ~ Unknown
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean". ~ Ryunosuke Satoro
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts,
we make our world". ~Buddha
Linda, thank you very much for the Natural Stress Relief CD. I received it and excitedly listened to it on my laptop. I was quite surprised at the 100% immediate effectiveness of the CD. I was listening to it while laying down on my sofa and I can't remember at what point I fell asleep. Your voice was so hypnotic, soothing, comforting and powerful in a quiet way. After waking up I listened to it a second time. I experienced such peace and tranquility ~ even the sound of the water was beautiful. The CD was an instant success in alleviating my stress. I will listen to it over and over again.
Thanks a Million,
If you answered yes to any of these questions you’re in the right place.
Prior to working together
For a successful coaching relationship it’s important that we function as a team. There must be a good ‘fit’ comprised of mutual trust and understanding. For many people the relationship built with their coach is a life-long relationship, therefore, it is essential that we are compatible in our values and on life.
During an initial 30-45 minute phone call we will chat about your needs and primary area of focus. (Call to be at a pre-arranged time). I will demonstrate for you a sample of coaching techniques and processes as well as discuss the various levels available within the Personal Empowerment Program (PEP) series.
We will explore the time you have available to dedicate to making lasting changes and together decide on the best course of action for you. I will address all questions prior to any financial commitment being made. At such time, we will set up a schedule and start the wheels in motion so that you can begin to ‘live by design’ rather than by default.
My greatest desire is that each and every client succeeds in creating a lifelong transformation. I cannot do the ‘work’ for you but I will guide you and cheer you on, along every step of the journey. Like all things in life ‘you get out what you put in’.