I once went with a friend to hear the grand diva, Jessye Norman, sing at a venue so small that we could see the beads of sweat on her forehead without benefit of opera glasses.
During intermission, my friend and I turned to each other, awestruck at the Presence that still enveloped us. "What music she creates," I said. "I am barely aware of her - only the music."
"That's because when she sings, she is music," my friend said.
When I am creating with my wings unfurled, I know that I am art. My best work - whether it's creating paintings, essays or meals - is intuitive. I approach the moment in which I choose to start a painting, for example, knowing that it already exists somewhere, and what I need to do is to allow it to appear.
Something flows through me and out my fingers for which I take only the credit for getting out of the way and knowing how to manage the media. In these moments, I am aware that I am in the altered state of consciousness I call Heaven. I hear - and sometimes sing - beautiful melodies; my left hand (I am right-handed) sometimes flutters or waves with the energy of Faery. Sometimes I am aware of unseen observers and guides. Sometimes I receive direct, clear, verbal suggestions to use specific colors, to extend a line here or curve a line there.
We are more than our skin, our memories, our reputation, our thoughts and opinions, and certainly more than what anyone thinks about us. When we let our intuition guide us, we act true to our authentic being, and we proceed along the path we were born to experience.
Leiah has been teaching The Intuitive Art of Energy Portraiture since 2001 and she assures you that even if you think you can’t see energy, you can create an Energy Portrait that might even delight and amaze you.
Her work has brought undeniable healing and transformation to her students, and they have urged her to rename her workshop: "The Healing Art of Energy Portraiture."
In her classes, people who do not call themselves not artists, who think they are not creative, whom others have underestimated all their lives, trust themselves as we go through the series of preparatory meditations and visualizations, to pick up a pastel crayon and begin drawing without judging themselves or planning their creation.
Leiah urges us, "We are all radiant beings of brilliance and light, no doubt. When we can surrender in trust , allowing our true, magnificently loving, generous nature to engulf us, our world changes. And then we can change the world.
In the Healing Art of Energy Portraiture workshop, you will create an Energy Portrait of yourself or another being of your choice. In the process, you will:
• experience the deeply relaxing surrender to your deeper self as Leiah guides you through
strategically designed guided visualizations
• deepen your relationship with colors
• feel the love that infuses your heart as you open to the harmony between you and the other whose Energy Portrait you will create
• look into multi-dimensional layers of knowing and possibility as you create and plan your life and the events, moment by moment, that fill it.
Your Energy Portrait class experience will help you to:
• empower and assign your inner artist to present you with new visions of what presents itself to her awareness
• stretch your imagination toward the glowing edges of the possible
Love is a communicable ease.
There is no time out.
Open your heart all the time, keep it open, never close it. The gate is marked by the curtain whose beads are your tears.
We are made as porous beings, with semi-porous membranes.
It is important to bear in mind even as you look for guidance that you are your own teacher, your only teacher. You are the sole repository of your wisdom.
We are extrusions of divine Being -- or being, if capitalization bothers you --- eyes, ears, hands, and sensitive skin awake to the possibilities of all creation. Allow yourself to imagine -- for that is where it may begin -- that the who which sees is not that which is named by what is on your driver's license. The who is that all that is, seeing through your eyes.
Imagine that the divine self says to you, " When you take the first step, I run ahead, preparing the field before you, ready to receive the imprint of your footsteps and your intention; to flourish with the flowers you love most, and to set the earth so that the paths you will take are firm, smooth, and paved with singing stones, cool to your weary feet, cushioned against the pain and weariness of your feet.
"When you open your mouth I create melodies and poems of beauty and healing so that all of My Spirit shall find release through your willing voice and graceful form.
"Know that not for an instant are you not my vehicle, whose voice, dance, yearning heart and healing hands are a blessing tome in all my guises and dwellings.
"Know that every time you stumble I weep and laugh at my failure to have encompassed you more fully, to have informed your atoms more completely."
If there is somewhere in your vast field of sensibiities, there may be a positive echo. Let it rise within you: yes. We are the larger, unlimited Mind/Soul/Spirit that speaks to us in all the ways we can be aware. Words may be one of those ways.
To begin enriching your life through becoming more intuitive, try the following exercise: notice your thoughts. Notice the opinions that arise subtlely, the stories that flow through your mind about people you see on the street, in passing cars, in restaurants, apparently with no decision on your part. Say "Yes, maybe" to these thoughts.
No, I am not advising that you hang onto them, certainly not to obsess about them or even make bets that these thoughts are absolutely true .... though they might be.
The point is to trust your sense of things. Your sense of things is your intuition. Your intuition is the road your cells were created to travel.
Everyone is intuitive. Some people have remained open to the impulses of the greater mind that all of us carry in our bodies. Some people have not. If you have not, you can reopen that door to limitless awareness.
I would be honored to help you find your authentic path, sharpen your intuition, or discover strengths and possibilities that have not yet become apparent to you. If you would like my help, take a look at my website: www.energyportraits.com . You may find the process of having an Energy Portrait a good way to start, or perhaps it will work better for you to begin with my CD, "Opening the Door to the Soul," which will lead you through a guided visualization to the inner place where you have left clues to your own unfolding. You may find some inspiration or helpful thoughts in some of my writings there.