My name is Leah Shapiro and among other things I am a Kick-Ass Life Coach, Radio Show Host, & Head Rabble Rouser at Defy the Box.
I am the champion for your non-conforming soul!
It is my mission to show you how to break free from your pre-packaged life in order to create the kick-ass life of YOUR dreams.
In a nutshell, I work with successful, open-minded, non-conforming souls who want to explore alternative options for financial and personal well-being.
I connect you to your dream,then show you HOWto LIVEit.
Before I became a coach, I felt trapped in a “good” job, with “good” benefits that was slowly sucking the life out of me. I was stressed out, and frustrated. I felt like I was hiding big pieces of myself in order to “fit in” into the mainstream’s idea of what a good and successful life looked like. I decided to ditch that way of living and set out to blaze my own trail and discover what would make ME feel satisfied & fulfilled.
I am deeply spiritual. I have done extensive work with the law of attraction, and completed a two year woman's mystery school and leadership program. I weave this work into the work I do with my clients in order to help deepen their levels of self-awareness and consciousness.
When I am not focused on building my empire, hosting Defy the Box Radio, or writing for my blog, you can usually find me making pottery, playing with my two cats or whipping up something delicious in the kitchen. A self admitted hedonist, I am frequently off engaging in pleasurable pursuits and am known to be a mighty temptress.
I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with clients in a variety of ways.
I offer private & group coaching, as well as a variety of tele-courses, products and workshops to support you in breaking free of your unsatisfying pre-packaged life, and to create YOUR kick-ass dream LIFE.
I also enjoy hosting a weekly show called Defy the Box Radio. During each live show I invite you to join me in a lively discussion around the challenges of breaking free, and I share tools, tips and advice on how you can step into your kick-ass dream life right now.
Go to my website sign up for my e-zine, Destination Freedom, and receive a free download of my e-book called: The 4 Steps to Transform YOUR Life
Creating your kick-ass dream life tip: Have faith that you can do it and have it.
Set the intention to notice the things /feelings that are part of your kick-ass dream life. I bet you can find some right now if you look.
The only thing standing between you and your kick-ass dream life is your belief that you can't have it. Time for some new beliefs.
If you are ready to create your kick-ass dream life go to and download your free copy of my special report: The 4 Steps to Transforming your Unsatisfying, Pre-packaged Life into the the Kick-Ass Life of YOUR Dreams.
You can also learn more about Leah and Defy the Box by checking out the Blog:
or tuning into Defy the Box Radio: