I've always considered time as a linear concept consisting of individual moments that are lost, present, or abstract (future). But one spring I've decided to push my imagination a little bit further and started project that me and my team called Self Development Regional Club. As soon as I started seminars on Time Management I realised, that this linear concept has nothing to do with real managing, because it gives nothing but a big amount of stress. We tend to organize our tasks, projects and plans at many different angles, just positioning ourselves just in the middle of this chaos.
I started digging. After getting known with such brilliant ideas like GTD or PTM I realised that there's much more to time, than managing. It is a whole lot of passion, art and nonlinear models that shape our perception of future events. Now I'm certainly less stressed about the future, but only one thing I still cannot change: we only have 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The concept of proper time management is really not about extending these boundaries, but having as much leisure time as possible.
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