Dr. Karen Monroy holds a PhD. in psychology, and a Masters Degree in Economics and Business. "I teach, write, and guide clients to Sustainable Prosperity." says Dr. Monroy, who is a pioneer in the field of Spiritual Psychology, and Nuero-economics. Dr. Monroy explains to clients the structure of their minds--from a neurological, psychological and spiritual perspective clients learn to work WITH their own nature, not AGAINST their nature. Dr. Monroy teaches Money IQ Skills, Money EQ skills and a spiritual basis for moving through the world of form. Dr. Monroy believes all of us learn about these concepts in the world of form (or Earth School as she calls it) as one aspect of our spiritual path. Dr. Monroy is also the author of two books: Mommy, What is Rich?, and The 30 Day Money Master Mind Make-Over: Bridging the Gap Between Living a Life of Passion and Purpose and Dealing With Money. Learn more about Karen at her website: www.KarenMonroy.com
Karen's newst book is for children! "Mommy What is Rich?" will be released in the fall of 2009.
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