Karen Ferraro is a Certified Feng Shui Consultant, Marketing Master and Certified Coach. She enriches the wellbeing of those she works with for personal growth and professional/business development.
Karen will quickly identify where you are stuck in relation to your space from the inside out! She artfully transforms business and residential environments using the principles of Feng Shui to create balance, harmony and improved wellbeing in all aspects of lives. Her private consultations, workshops and public lectures are dynamic and filled with methods that are easy to immediately implement so you feel more energized, happy, focused and productive.
A marketing executive in large international corporations for over twenty-five years, Karen has taken all of her business expertise and blended it with wisdom traditions to guide people and businesses to flourish. Her newest Webinar and EBook called Mastering Marketing Sense the Feng Shui Way TM is quickly becoming one of the most unique and easy methods to create new marketing strategies for generating business flow!
Karen Lynn Ferraro
Bellport, Long Island, NY 631-294-5686 karen@karenlynnferraro.com
Visit: www.karenlynnferraro.com
Karen is contributing author of Journey to Wellness Expressions for WomensEducationCenter.com – please visit: http://www.womenseducationcenter.com
"We are all artists of our lives brought here to know who we truly are and to flourish through our own creative expression of wellbeing!” Karen Lynn Ferraro
Visit my website, call, or email me! Be sure to request my newsletter and published articles so you can know more about me.