Kami A. Renteria is a heartfelt believer in the network marketing industry and keeps herself involved in what she believes are the leading companies, and is a student of Liberal Arts with an emphasis in psychology. She is also the head of two philanthropic organizations, which she runs from home: Success In One, and Women of Growth. Her vision is to provide quality assistance to women in need across the globe via shelters and life coaching efforts. She can be contacted via email atkamirenteri@ successinone.com
"Stop being branded by colleges. Go to get the education. But walk away with bigger dreams than a J.O.B." Kami Renteria
For more information please visit www.successinone.com you will get information on upcoming events, articles, group information, pictues and much more.
For information about Women of Growth visit www.womenofgrowth.com for upcoming events, book of the month, articles, newsletter and much more.