Rev. Frederick Eikerenkoetter, better known to millions as Rev. Ike, “The Success and Prosperity Preacher”, has been a teacher and Spiritual advisor to millions of people of all races and religions, over the past 40 years.
His Bible-based Science Of Mindphilosophy teaches you how to use your God-given mind power to manifest the good that you desire -- how to change your life by changing you thoughts and beliefs about yourself!
For dynamic samples of his Science Of Mind teaching watch some of his YouTube videos.
Rev. Ike says:
“I greatly value the Bible and interpret it psychologically, rather than theologically, to teach the individual positive self-awareness. One of my favorite passages is, “As a man thinks so is he.” (Proverbs 23:07)
Using my practical Mind Science techniques, I teach the individual to build an ideal self-image of how he or she would like his/her life and circumstances to be -- by visualizing these images in the mind, and applying certain principles, an individual can actually bring these things into being.
My philosophy may be described as positive self-image psychology. The ultimate goal is to teach the individual to be master of his/her own mind and affairs by changing his/her own self-image and attitude.
Through positive self-awareness, the individual can change the conditions and circumstances in his or her own life. I teach the individual that they can BE what they want to be, DO what they want to do, and HAVE what they want to have."
Over the years, Rev. Ike has become a legend, praised and beloved by many who recognized the genius of this master teacher and innovator, but ridiculed and defamed by others -- including many in the religious "establishment" and some members of the press.
Today, Rev. Ike’s teachings are accepted as universal truths, and he is acknowledged as a Master teacher, a mentor, and an inspiration by many prominent motivational teachers and authors, including Mark Victor Hansen, Bob Proctor, Michele Blood, Bishop Carlton Pearson, and others.
Even after Rev. Ike's death in July, 2009, his teachings continue to live on through his recorded audio and video lessons. His son, Bishop Xavier Eikerenkoetter III, carries on his Ministry, and Rev. Ike has a powerful presence on the Internet through his popular and provocative YouTube videos.
To learn more about Rev. Ike, and to receive 3 Free Gifts, including his eye-opening "Thinkonomics" ebook, free Visualization e-course and Audio Mind-conditioning Prayer Treatment, visit his website at
"You can't lose with the Stuff I use!"
"As a man thinks, so is he."
"If you don't treat your consciousness for what you want, you'll get what you don't want."
To learn more about Rev. Ike, and to receive 3 Free Gifts, including his eye-opening "Thinkonomics" ebook, free Visualization e-course and Audio Mind-conditioning Prayer Treatment, visit his website at
Over 50 of Rev. Ike's short teaching videos are on YouTube. Watch his videos at
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Browse the large selection of Rev. Ikes life-changing teaching products available on MP3 at