Joseph Olugbenga Akinola is a minister of the Gospel, an Inspirational Public Speaker and a Creative Writer who enjoys flocking with young adults (youths) who are thirsty of having expression in the society in the area of their strength. His core passion includes Youth Development, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship and his impact on the people has made him a catalyst in this regard. His Weekly Inspirational message ( HOJ Weekly ) via text message (sms) has been described as a mental injection which has spurred so many people into action in the pursuit of their God-given vision. He is a highly sought after speaker and a Resourceful Facilitator in Conferences, Seminars and Human Capacity Development Workshops. Joseph is a man of many parts. He is the CEO of HOJ Technologies. He is an IT specialist and a social entrepreneur. He is an active member and a minister in a local church named Sanctuary of Wonders International Ministries founded by his elder brother. His good works speak for him as his life of empathy has touched and impacted so any lives. He is based in Lagos, Nigeria.
He has a blog where some of his Christian Protégés go meet to get some of his write-ups called AlmightyFormula – which means God’s Formula where Overall formula for living life. Also other blogs; , .
Here comes 2010. A year full of Unlimited Opportunities for all. Friend, it’s time to Dare the DREADFUL, Time to Step Out of your Comfort Zone for a Journey into the Unimaginable, Time for Excellence, but to achieve this, Creativity is Inevitable. To be Creative, find your passion, remain Focus and you will get THERE!
Friend, for you to really stand out among your peers and competition this year, you need to be informed in a Rounded Manner. Know as much as you need to know about your industry, go to work on ALL you have learnt and Nothing except you, will keep you under. I can’t wait to celebrate you because it is your season.
Study yourself, your life and your environment, that Next OPPORTUNITY you are looking for is very CLOSE. OPEN your Eyes to Discover opportunity and your brain to maximize it.
Be Different, Relevant and Consistent! You cannot build a Genuine, Successful and Lasting Brand without STANDING OUT, ADDING VALUE & CONSISTENTCY with EXCELLENCE in it. People are observing; don’t be tired, keep doing it, the big deal is just a few yards ahead. Don’t be discouraged, you will surely hit your TARGET.
Proper Positioning sets you up for GREAT opportunities, you cannot be properly positioned and you will be behind or beneath your peers. We all have our Different Uniqueness, FIND yours and Put yourself where you may be found and all that you need to be Celebrated will Gravitate towards you.
Evaluate! Evaluate!! Evaluate!!! How has it been? Are you really moving forward or you are Retrogressively Stagnant? Check yourself out, weigh yourself on the scale of success and rate yourself. If you are below average, work harder. YOU CAN DO IT! Yes, you Can and Nothing will stop you. All you need is a WILL.
Put yourself where you can be found. Nobody can market you as you would do. Self-Market yourself, don’t hide what you have. No brand can survive in a Vacuum but on a PLATFORM. Find your Platform and take it as a Personal Responsibility to Inform your world of what you have to offer. You Are Your Own Mouth-Piece.
REMAIN FOCUS! Focusing on your GOAL soon get you to the SUMMIT & Makes you the SPOTLIGHT in your Endeavour. Increase Your Focus, Power rises from an Increased Focus; it generates energy to Forge Ahead. Focus binds you to your Big Picture & also MAKES your Big Picture pull you TOWARDS itself.
BE DISCIPLINE! Greatness demands Discipline in every ACTIVITY of a man’s life. If you want to be Great, be Discipline. It is only through Discipline you can IMPACT (affect your world Positively), INFLUENCE (gain Control over your world) and MAKE DISCIPLE (have people Following after you).
DO SOMETHING BEFORE SOMETHING DOES YOU! What you Fail to do today will Fail you tomorrow. When you Dodge your Responsibilities, you cannot also dodge the Consequences of dodging your responsibilities. It will surely Come Back and Catch Up with you. When you fail to move, things around you will move over you.
START SMALL! There is nothing BIG you see or find today that does not have its Smaller Version. Great door rides on Small Hinges. Start with LITTLE Things, and a Cumulative of it becomes for you; a Great Result because it’s only little things that make up for a Great thing. Regardless… JUST START.
BE THE BEST! The Best is always Preferred. To be the Best: Know Who You Are (Your Personality), Where You Are (Your Current Position), What You Want (Your Need), Why You Want It (Define Your Purpose), Find Your Passion (Where Does Your Passion Lie), Connect with Mentors (Mentor takes you by the hand into your Future) & BE READY TO PAY THE DUE PRICE.
The School of Life is an INSTITUTION. It can never be Interesting to you nor can you achieve Great Results from it until you are Interested in it. Your Interest in it makes you a Principal (An Achiever) over a period of Time & you begin to generate Interest (Results). Embrace and learn all you can from it now.
You can Turn Your Opposition To Opportunity. How? By Daring the Insurmountable. How? Through your Action (your 1st Move is the KEY). Reach Beyond What is Limiting you. Because, until you Launch Out, you cannot break beyond the Barrier Restricting you. All you need to do first is: Think Out Of The BOX.
Destiny, its Price & your Commitment! A Price is what you pay in exchange for what you want. There is nothing of Great Importance & Value without a price attached to it. A Price is Priceless! Compromising and Negotiating the Price to your Greatness CONFIRMS that you are not readily ready for it.
KNOWLEDGE! There is always Room @ the TOP for those who can see it and will also Prepare for it. Where will your Opportunity MEET you? Know WHAT you need to know per time because, you cannot APPREHEND opportunity without Adequate Knowledge. Go For Knowledge – WHAT YOU KNOW GIVES YOU AN EDGE OVER OTHERS.
Joseph AKinola
Block B4, Suite 2 Olugbede Model Market, Egbeda - Lagos. Nigeria
Mobile: +2348038311174