Ineke Van Lint is a practicing psychologistsand workshop leader.
She holds a degree in psychology, is an International Facilitator in Kinesiology, an International Instructor in Brain Gym(which is sometimes called Educational Kinesiology), and is a member of Mensa International .
Her mother tongue is Dutch. She is also fluent in French, English and German.
Ineke lives in beautiful Luxembourg. In addition to her professional work, Ineke is raising her four wonderful children, who she adores spending time with. Their names are: Thaïsa (20), Nikita (18), Manolito (15) and Melina (10).
Ineke is also an accomplished artist, and integrates her silk painting with her workshops. Due to popular demand, some of her silk paintings are for sale. Please visit the Silk Painting Gallery section of the website for more details.
Ineke's MISSION : Everybody strives for physical, spiritual and emotional health. Every human being wants to feel useful, wants to feel that life has meaning, and wants to fulfill desires. My mission is to reconnect people with their inner strength, so that they can be in charge of their life, feel their energy flow and re-discover their joy in life. - Ineke
Ineke’s list of current workshops – both for individuals and groups – is extensive and reflects her rich, diverse healing capacity. Currently, she is delivering workshops on:
"WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE" available as ebook, printed book and workshop on
"FREE YOUR POTENTIAL AND CREATE SUCCESS" available as ebook, printed book and workshop on
"ENTHUSIASM DAY BY DAY" available as printed book on
All the following workshops :
The surest way to not reach your goals is to not define them. Khalil Gibran: « When you are born, your masterpiece is planted in your heart. » The day you take responsibility, The day you stop looking for excuses,
This day, you direct yourself towards success.
It’s our decisions , not the conditions of our life, that determine our destiny.
Everything you passionately believe becomes a reality.
Happiness is an attitude. Either we make ourselves unhappy and miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.
Everyone has a mechanism of success and one of failure. The mechanism of failure starts by itself. The mechanism of success starts by setting a goal. Every time we talk about a goal and we write it down, we push the button for the mechanism of success to start.
If you don’t take your dreams and your hopes seriously, then no one will take you for what you really are.
You may have spent years looking for answers to your deepest questions. Or you could be at the beginning of your journey towards wholeness, and are struggling to find the questions to ask. Or perhaps, like most people, you’re somewhere in between these two: you’re searching for something deep and meaningful…but you don’t quite know what it is. You just know that you’re searching…or that something is pulling you in a new, fresh direction.
My dear guest : that direction is right here, right now! Welcome one and all to, “ where seekers become finders.”
On this very unique website , you’ll find insights, ideas, techniques, and caring advice that will help you find what you’re searching for – not “out there”, but within you and your unique, special life.
Unlike many “self-help” portals on the web these days,
is created, owned and brought to you by a qualified, certified, and actively practicing psychologist. This means that the brilliant gems you’ll find on this website are thoughtfully shared with you by someone who devotes her whole life to helping others shape and create their lives of destiny. It’s this kind of personal, compassionate and credible quality that flows through every word you’ll read…and every feeling that will arise in your body, mind and soul.
Go to and spend as much time as you wish exploring this website. You’ll find simple navigation links on the left. If you’re new and not sure where to start, begin by “Subscribing” to Ineke’s FREE courses and quote service.
Ineke Van Lint - Psychologist
(children & adults)
Route de Luxembourg 21 - L-4761 PETANGE Luxembourg)Tel. +32 (0) 497/87 44 24 - +352 / 26 50 29 26
or go to