I graduated from Traditional Acupuncture Institute with a master's degree in acupuncture. Tai Sophia Institute
(formerly Traditional Acupuncture Institute) was the first accredited acupuncture program in the United States. I am a member of the faculty of the acupuncture program at Tai Sophia.
I also hold a bachelor's degree in psychology and have worked with developmentally challenged individuals. I spent over 8 years teaching martial arts and managing a martial arts school. I have been practicing a Japanese martial art for over 20 years and hold a 3rd degree black belt.
In addition, I recently completed my M.A. degree in Applied Healing Arts from Tai Sophia. The work I did in that program has fostered my interest in and ability to develop a healing relationship with each patient.
I am the co-author of two books and have authored numerous articles on history, philosophy and psychology as well as acupuncture and energy healing. Learning and studying new ideas and acupuncture techniques are a very important part of my life.
I am dedicated to providing a clear approach to treatment for people who are seeking partnership in their healing.
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