Gina Bell is a multi-passionate entrepreneur, successful coach and author, President and CEO of Gina Bell, Inc. a company devoted to teaching multi-passionate entrepreneurs how to create fun, fame and good fortune online doing ALL that they love to do!
Gina is also Founder and President of the International Association of Women in Business Online {IAWBO} and JV Mavens Partner and Prosper Network to name a few of her companies and projects.
Gina is host of Women in Business Online Radio Show
, co-author to the AWE, Association of Web Entrepreneurs Emerging Trends Guide 2009 and the Power of Mentorship for the Home-Based Business alongside prominent transformational teachers like Bob Proctor and Dr. John Demartini from “The Secret”.
Gina is known as a Catalyst for Growthand consults with multi-passionate and creative women entrepreneurs from all over the world teaching them how to build an Equity-Rich business onlineand how to leverage “catalyst” strategies that enable them to up-level their success quickly and with less struggle.
You can learn more about Gina and her programs at
An advocate of life-long learning and mentorship, Gina’s personal mantra is “Get Inspired, Be Inspiring!”
"Marketing is the tax we pay for being ordinary"
What are you doing to be EXTRAORDINARY?
Does this sound like you?
You want and need more and better clients .You love what you do and you’re really good at it too, but you aren’t attracting enough clients and you have no idea why. Your time is spent desperately chasing potential clients rather than effortlessly attracting them to you.
You don’t know where to start .Marketing your business seems like an overwhelming project with so many ideas to consider and choices to make. You want to make sure you’re doing it right so you worry about how to best spend your time and money. Struck by “analysis paralysis,” you start and stop, sit and stew, or just do nothing.
You aren’t sure how to put the pieces together .Should you be doing cold calls or finishing your website first? It’s time to develop new leads but what about the follow-up calls you’ve been meaning to make? You wonder if all the networking will ever pay off, and whether that speaking engagement will really generate any clients. You don’t have a system, a program, or a plan.
You can’t stay motivated .Even when you know exactly what you need to do, often you just don’t do it. With no boss looking over your shoulder, it’s too easy to avoid marketing and sales. When you don’t see immediate results, you get discouraged. When someone rejects your sales pitch, it’s hart not to take it personally. It’s so tempting just to wait for the phone to ring, and blame your lack of business on luck, the economy, the weather, or time of year.
We would love to have you join us at
an online business mentoring program designed to provide you with the tools, resources, information, support and motivation you need to transition from where you are now to where you really want to be. You will join a community of like-minded and motivated coaches, service professionals and entrepreneurs who want to discover marketing strategies that really work and feel right too!
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Once you've registered, you'll receive immediate access to The Networking Master's Checklist for Business Networking Success eBook (downloadable mp3) and our newest audio CD "Personal Marketing Demystified" will be sent to you by mail.
We have some fabulous teleseminars coming up... make sure to register today!