Gerald N. Epstein, MD, is one of the foremost practitioners of integrative healthcare for healing and transformation. Trained as a Freudian analyst, he abandoned this direction in 1974 to study therapeutic uses of the imagination under the guidance of Madame Colette Aboulker–Muscat in Jerusalem. Since then, he has been a pioneer in the use of mental imagery for treating physical and emotional problems. As his work evolved over the years, he has become a leading exponent of the Western spiritual tradition and its application to healing and therapeutics.
In 1981, as a result of his clinical experiences, he wrote Waking Dream Therapy. Dr. Epstein authored Healing Visualizations in 1989, now considered the classic book on the therapeutic mental imagery. Inspired by the Bible and the Western spiritual tradition, he wrote Healing Into Immortality (1994), a clear account of the reasons and remedies for illness. In his 1999 book Climbing Jacob’s Ladder, he takes the reader on an experiential journey through the Bible to find a way to spiritual freedom. In 2003 he published The Natural Laws of Self Healing, an 8 CD audio set published by Nightingale–Conant, a full course in applied therapeutics of western spirituality in the healthcare field.
He has conducted clinical research in the treatment of asthma through mental imagery, under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health, and has published two papers on this successful research along with Dr. Elizabeth Barrett and other colleagues.
Dr. Epstein maintains a private practice in New York and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. He is Director of The American Institute for Mental Imagery, a post-graduate training center for healthcare practitioners. In addition, he holds classes and workshops in imagery, dreams and Kabbalah. He also lectures worldwide.
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