Intense studies of the work of Danish intuitive Martinus have enabled me to see a much large picture than the current "one life -death is the end" theory. I now KNOW that death is not the end and that each life we live has a purpose and that there is indeed meaning in the madness.
I was born in Denmark in 1950 and I have lived in Spain since 1990. I have university degrees in Spanish and English philology and have worked as teacher, interpreter and translator. I have written 5 books: Death Is an Illusion (Paragon House 2002, German version: Der Tod ist eine Illusion - Martinus Verlag 2006, Spanish version: La Muerte es una Ilusión, Corona Borealis 2011, Danish version: Døden er en illusion, BOD 2012), The Art of Attraction (Create Space, USA 2011), The Undiscovered Country (Create Space 2010), The Beginning Is Near - New Aspects on Life (Create Space 2015), The Downfall of Marriage (under publication).
All my books are about aspects of the amazingly insightfull work of Martinus. Martinus reveals the mystery of life, why there is no death, why reincarnation is necessary, where we are coming from and where we are going and much, much more. Martinus´work has been written for the searching souls that do not resonate with the religions, but who has a deep wish to know the meaning of life.
I have more than 20 blogposts answering the big questions about life, death and the mystery of both at:
"He who thinks that we are identical to our physical body is subject to the biggest illusion that exists". Martinus
"You are negatively creating when you are willing to put up with negative emotions". Abraham-Hicks
Life and everything in it is bound by natural laws - nothing happens by chance and there is meaning and purpose in even the smallest occurrence.