Angel Reader.Pschic Intuitive.Spiritual Mentor
Dawn McIntyre is no ordinary intuitive. She is a trained and verified professional with a deep desire to enlighten those who want to know more about manifesting a life of beauty and truth.
Since childhood, Dawn discovered her gifts of foresight, intuition and the ability to see and hear those who have passed on before us. She specializes in connecting with the Divine through coaching and individual consultations. With the assistance of personal guides, sacred souls and angels, she provides gentle advice, solves problems and removes obstacles. Her intuition allows for a deep sense of knowing and understanding events and people in the past, present and future. Dawn's gift of being a clear conduit to spirit allows her to guide you in the manifestation of your heart's desires with ease and grace.
For the past 20years, Dawn has honed her professional skills and training, including studying under world-renowned psychic Sonia Choquette in the Six-Sensory® program, best-selling author Doreen Virtue in the Angel Therapy Practitioner® series and Orin & DaBen, founders of the Awakening Your Light Body program. Dawn has also studied the secrets of manifestation in great detail from many masters.
Always on a path to self-discovery, Dawn continues her 20 year metaphysical journey and education. Eager to share her insights, she is preparing to launch her book "Boldly Beautiful ...where divine beauty and bold expression dare to meet". Her skills as a psychic medium make her a preferred choice as an advisor on
She has a full-time practice, has hosted her own radio show and has regular guest appearances on radio and TV including Breakfast TV in Edmonton, Alberta. Dawn lives with her daughter Kennedy in Calgary, Alberta.
I am a true believer that we each hold the key to manifesting our deepest and most cherished desires. Part of using this key to unlock our greatest potential lies in our ability to live, love and laugh in a BIG way. And so I share the following quote with you in the hopes that you are deeply inspired to manifest your fabulous and beautiful life without further delay:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Many people ask me what a Professional Intuitive is and my reply is simply this. I am a gifted psychic. Psychics ultimately have the ability to "see" people and that can be quite uncomfortable for many. The difference between other psychics and me is that not only do I see you, I see how beautiful, magnificent and fabulous you are . I see your untapped potential and I see all that is part of your unclaimed destiny. And I guide you truthfully and lovingly to the manifestation of it all.
In May I am launching a membership site dedicated to helping all women see and claim their inner beauty and divinty. This is a project that I am especially passionate about because it was not until I claimed my inner greatness and perfection that I did accept my outer beauty and magnifience. Nothing I did on the outside made a difference in my self-perception and self-esteem until I transformed all of the limiting paradigms that literally robbed me of the life my soul contracted for me.
As a tortured and abused child, both physically and mentally I had many paradigms to transform and much forgivenenss to do. When I said "YES" to doing this and to the Universe in re-claiming my life, I still had doubts as to whether I would be able to heal all the damage from my childhood in this one lifetime. That was about seven years ago and I am happy to say that with determination and courage I am free of my past, I trust in the future and it is my pleasure to enjoy each day to the fullest.
And it is my greatest vision to do the same for other women. You can stay updated on the progress of "Boldly Beautiful ...where divine beauty and bold expression dare to meet" at my personal site . Please feel free to leave me a message if you have any specific requests for the site; what is the greatest experience that you can recieve, as a member? Your opinion is very important to me and this your opportunity in learning to voice your needs and desires.