Dr. David S. Gruder, Ph.D., D.CEP, is the Executive Director of Integrity Revolution, LLC, and Willingness Works® in Del Mar, California, through which he lectures, trains and consults worldwide in Integrity Development (self-integrity, relationship integrity & leadership integrity). His doctorate is in clinical psychology with a secondary emphasis in organizational development and conflict resolution. For almost three decades, Dr. Gruder has provided organizational analyses, staff training, team development and executive mentoring, for executives, administrators, leaders, businesses and academic institutions. This has been in addition to having maintained a waiting-list private psychotherapy practice from 1980 until 2000.
For almost three decades, Dr. Gruder has lectured, trained and consulted worldwide to a wide range of audiences in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore. He is also a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows throughout the United States and Canada.
Dr. Gruder has assisted leaders, teams, entrepreneurs and coaches in business, health care, education, politics and international diplomacy, in addition to providing workshops for the general public and having maintained a waiting-list private psychotherapy and leadership coaching practice from 1980 until 2000.
Dr. Gruder has authored three print books and workbooks, four e-books, over seventy CD sets and well over a dozen training manuals. His first print book, Sensible Self-Help, won two book awards, including Colliers 1997 Mental Health Book of the Year. His second print book, The New IQ: How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships and Our World, a road map for addressing the worldwide crisis of lack of personal, relationship and leadership integrity, was released in February 2008 and has already received two book awards. Its companikon is The New IQ Integrity Makeover Workbook.
Dr. Gruder has provided training programs for leaders, helping professionals and the general public throughout the United States as well as in Canada, Mexico, England, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore. His topics have been many and varied, but all focus on building the skills required for personal, relationship and leadership integrity. For specific details, consult Dr. Gruder’s full Vita (available upon request or via his website). Also see below for information on training programs specifically for helping professionals.
Within the business and leadership community, Dr. Gruder has provided training programs and consulting for a wide range of business, academic and coaching organizations, such as the Wellcoaches® Corporation, IDS/American Express®, Vistage® (now known as The Executive Committee/TEC), the San Diego County Department of Education Management Academy, University of California San Diego Medical School, San Diego State University, Hocking College (Ohio), and a number of family-owned businessesSensible Self-Help and entrepreneurs.
Within the international community, Dr. Gruder has provided negotiation skills training to ambassadors and other delegates to the World Trade Organization through a project co-sponsored by South Centre in Geneva, Switzerland and Action Aid in Pakistan. He has also written a paper entitled A Declaration of Global Responsibility, outlining ten principles for dealing with fanaticism and terrorism.
Within the psychological community, Dr. Gruder is dually licensed as a psychologist and as a marriage & family therapist, and is a California-approved Continuing Education provider for psychologists, marriage & family therapists, social workers, nurses and drug & alcohol counselors. He has given hundreds of lectures and workshops, from hospital Grand Rounds presentations to multiple-day workshops at international conferences to case consultations for psychotherapists to teaching classes for psychology graduate students. He is a consultant to the Sanoviv Medical Institute.
ACEP MemberWithin the specialty field of Energy Psychology, Dr. Gruder was the Founding President of the international Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), through which he is currently a primary architect of ACEP’s diplomate program in Comprehensive Energy Psychology and its Energy Health Practitioner certification program. In addition to his Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology (DCEP), he is an ACEP-Approved Certification Full Trainer, Continuing Education Provider and Certification Consultant, as well as an Advisory Board member to the InnerSource Energy Psychology Interactive project.
Within academia, Dr. Gruder teaches graduate courses in both Human Development and Energy Psychology at the California Institute for Human Science in Encinitas, California.
Dr. Gruder is also active in the ManKind Project, an international non-profit organization helping men deal with the blocks interfering with their integrity and leadership so that they can fully embody their personal, relationship, professional and service missions. He is a past Board member for the San Diego community of ManKind Project International and has staffed a number of their programs.
In refreshing contrast to his multi-dimensional professional life, David lives a simple, play-filled life in San Diego, California, with his wife Laurie (a licensed acupuncturist), their cat Sasha and a delightful community of friends and family. A former accomplished musician, he still loves to sing and dabble in some of his former instruments. He hopes to return to composing and performing in the coming years.
For more about Dr. Gruder, go to www.TheNewIQ.com/about
Information will be coming soon about Integrity Checkups, Integrity Makeovers and and more.
Press kits are available for media wanting to interview me as an Integrity Analyst who puts today's hot-button issues on the couch for an integrity analysis. Go to www.TheNewIQ.com/media
For all other programs and highlights, visit my website, www.TheNewIQ.com
All of us have three core drives:
One practical way to understand fulfillment is expressing all three of our core drives. One practical way to understand integrity is as alignment among all three of our core drives. In this sense, integrity and fulfillment are inseparable.
We live in an age in which lack of personal, relationship, collective and leadership integrity is pervasive. Without upgrading our integrity intelligence it will remain impossible to successfully address the many challenges we face personally and in our relationships, families, communities, places of worship, businesses, governments and among countries.
Integrity is therefore the starting place for personal, relationship and leadership development and the cornerstone around which all three aspects of development must revolve.
My decades-long study of what "natural developers" intuitively do that the rest of us can benefit from learning to do on purpose has revealed that the same seven life skills are needed for personal, relationship, leadership and integrity development. These seven WisePassions are:
My forthcoming book, The New IQ: How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships and Our World (to be released this coming January 2008), provides you with a complete integrated road map for developing your self-integrity, relationship integrity and leadership integrity. This is the key to living a fulfilled life.
For more about The New IQ , The New IQ Integrity Makeover Workbook , and my other integrity intelligence development resources, visit www.TheNewIQ.com and click on The Integrity Effect.
The best way to start learning about me, my products and my services is to visit my website: www.willingness.com .
Media Contact:
S.A. "Sam" Jernigan, publicist
Renaissance Consultations
Cell Phone: 530-362-1339 (Pacific Time)
To E-mail Ms. Jernigan click here
Dr. David Gruder, Ph.D.
Tracey Lott, Assistant to Dr. Gruder
Willingness Works
1155 Camino Del Mar #516
Del Mar, CA 92014 USA
To E-mail Dr. Gruder click here
Phone: +1-858-755-1988