Hello, my name is Rev. Cindy, and my definitive purpose is to accompany you on your journey toward abundance. I am Divinely Guided and am at your service. Do you love and respect yourself? Are your relationships all that you would like them to be? Is the body you reside in as healthy as it can be? Do you live the life that you want? Do you have the financial security that you deserve ? Only you can answer any or all of these questions? But I can help you achieve the answers you desire.
You are invited to log on to www.babyboomersoftoday.com for archived BABY BOOMERS OF TODAY radio shows for invaluable information, guideance, news and tools provided by the who's who list of internationally known guests, hosted by yours truly, Rev. Cindy. This information is timeless and is for everyone from 5 to 105. Our motto is: "IF YOU ARE BREATHING, you need to know this."
You choose the outcome of your choices.
Hello, my name is Rev. Cindy, and the definitive purpose of my life is to accompany you on your journey toward abundance. I am Divinely Guided and am at your service. Do you love and respect yourself? Are your relationships all that you would like them to be? Is the body you reside in as healthy as it can be? Do you live the life that you want? Do you have the financial security that you deserve ? Only you can answer any or all of these questions? But I can help you achieve the answers you desire. I can guide you to make wise choices and show you how to choose the outcome of your choices.
My radio show, BABY BOOMERS OF TODAY? is a cornucopia of guideance and inspiration. By logging on to www.babyboomersoftoday.com , you will see the incredible list of guests that have appeared. This list of guests is a varitable who's who of internationally known speakers, authors and spiritual advisors. There is so much more information at this site. Be sure to enter into Speiritually Speaking (get it? Cindy Speir = Speir itually Speaking. This is Divinely Guided, what can I say?)
I have a Masters degree in Metaphysics and Divinity so we can get serious metaphysically speaking. But, I prefer to LAUGH. LAUGH OUT LOUD, as a matter of fact, during the most challenging of circumstances. The Universe loves laughter and rewards us with abundance. Energy attracts like energy. Laughing is one of the brightest, most beautiful forms of energy, so in return the Universe sends bright, beautiful energy back to you !
A good place to start is my delightful, Lighten Up! A Guide to Increase Your Inner Awareness, Or, Why Do I Need to Increase My What? CD available at www.babyboomersoftoday.com . When you Lighten Up you'll attract more of what you want a lot faster! Isn't attracting what you do want more appealing than sitting around, dwelling on what you don't have? Of course it is! Let's get you laughing and attracting!
Call me at 520.720.8538, email me at lotus-blossom.com or write me at 2492 West Patton, St. David, Arizona 85630 so you can take your journey into ABUNDANCE with a lighter heart and a smile on your face for the results you deserve !
Rev. Cynthia A. Speir
2492 West Patton Street
St. David, Arizona 85630