As a Certified Professional Organizer, Cyndy Ratcliffe has been assisting individuals to clear their clutter and organize what is important since February 2002.
Her client’s struggles with clutter, paper, organization and managing time bring them to partner with her for solutions and action. They will tell you that patience, trust, and reliability combined with a sense of humor and a wealth of knowledge allowed them to find success in partnering with Cyndy and her collegues for their training and organizing needs.
Cyndy Ratcliffe, Certified Professional Organizer ® and Time Expert
Is one of just five Certified Professional Organizers in NC
Is a Founding member, of the NC Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers
Has taken over 100 classes of study through The National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization
Bachelor’s Degree in Business
History of 19 years in senior management supervising up to 500 individuals
Organizing Solutions, Inc. is located in Wake Forest, North Carolina.
So often we are running at an excellerated pace and don't stop to take the time to look at the big picture of how we spend our time as well as how we work and live in our spaces. Often it takes the right person asking the right questions to put these into perspective and discover the changes that will slow the pace and lower the stress of the life you lead.
Discover Cyndy Ratcliffe and her ability to teach you organizing skills that will help to simplify your life through her articles at
and her teleseminars at