I specialize in finding, writing, editing, and producing short spiritual stories and sharing them with the world. I work with authors of all ranges of experience to guide them during their journey with writing spiritual stories to help them realize their greatest potential.
I also own a site focused on helping students and teachers of A Course In Miracles deepen their understanding as well as receive daily lessons through email.
I could tell you all about me, but that wouldn't tell you who I am.
I could say I am 33 years old or or that I'm a husband and father. I could tell you that I have a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and placed 3rd at the Super Grands World Games in 1994 during my first year of International martial arts competition.
I could say that I'm responsible for the technical and marketing aspects of running Spiritual-Short-Stories.com
and The-Course-In-Miracles.com
and that I'm a spiritual author. I could even say that I'm a person just like yourself on a spiritual journey towards living a more fulfilling life and that I have inspired many people to do the same.
But none of that is me.