As a Medical Intu itiveand Energy Hea ler, I am able to diagnose, locate and clear energy blocks that create health problems. This ability came after two near death experience's and a death in my family.
Health problems undetected by modern day equipment can be easily found through locating energy imbalances. This ability of Self Diagnosis is easily learned in my workshops
After helping many people over the years my focus is teaching Self Healing and Self Diagnosing the location and the clearing of these energy blocks.
Personal empowerment comes with the knowing that we have control over our health.
Finding and clearing these energy blocks before they become serious is the best way of maintaining optimal health.
My book The Inner Power Of Healing focuses on teaching about Life Force Energy, Healing and Self Healing.
The book can be purchased at
The only true healing is Self Healing.
Nobody can do the healing for you.
After many years of helping the sick heal I now believe that people are best served before they become sick and need medical intervention. Medical intuitive diagnosis does locate energy blocks before they become serious health problems. Many times doctors are unable to locate health problems, but medical intuitive diagnosis will locate the problem through energy imbalance. Diet modification and herbal remedies are the main methods of clearing energy blocks. Biofeedback will determines both diet and herbal requirements which will clear energy block.
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or telephone at 604-939-2209 in Canada