Becky is currently one of the Corporate Officers of a referral group orgnization called i Take The Lead. ( ) Being Membership Manager for the Gresham (Oregon) Area Chamber of Commerce, gave Becky an opportunity to learn how to grow the membership for an organization, as well learn the importance of membership retention. It was as Membership Manager that Becky started their leads program called Leads And Needs. Having a passion for community involvement, she is a past member of the board of directors for the East Portland Chamber of Commerce, and is now a member of Soroptimist International, an organization devoted to helping children and women in need, as well as being a member of WEO. While raising her children, she returned to college to receive her Bachelor of Science from Portland State University in Accounting/ Business Administration. Additionally, Becky has been an Account Manager for businesses-helping them with their needs in advertising and marketing.
The best way to find out about who we are, is to read our website: . We started a referral group organization in the Portland Oregon area about 8 years ago. We struggled with growth until about 3 1/2 years ago. It clicked!! We now have 50+ groups that meet weekly in the Portland area, with 2 franchises (Seattle and Denver) and more to come.
We are gearing toward national growth currently. We've been in business long enough to know that people are the key. We surround ourselves with professionals who have the right attitude.