Do you want to make more money? Are you trying to secure a new job or promotion? Maybe you have other important goals for your health and well being. Feng Shui can help you achieve these and other important goals!
Feng Shui is a powerful practice the Chinese and other Eastern Cultures have used for more than 5,000 years to attract money, improve health and enhance their relationships. Feng Shui is not magic and it’s not a religious belief system, it’s the art and science of adjusting a person’s living space or work space to achieve specific goals. Feng Shui allows us to see how specific sectors of our living space relate to our health, money, relationships and other aspects of our everyday lives. And by making adjustments to these sectors, a person can bring positive energy or “chi” to energize their goals.
Beata Kulitskaya is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner and owner of Double Happiness Studio. Beata has studied abroad in Thailand, South Korea and China to see how the Feng Shui Masters incorporate Feng Shui principles into everyday living. Beata applies this knowledge to demystify Feng Shui for her clients and apply its principle so they can better achieve their goals. Beata teaches her clients how to apply Feng Shui to their live goals via internet seminars and in classroom settings. She also provides home consultations and business consultations. For over 15-years, Beata has help hundreds of clients achieve their most cherished goals. To learn more about Feng Shui and Beata’s practice, visit .