I have been internet marketing now for a couple of years and although i had many doubts and struggles along the way i am now producing a full time income thanks to the internet.
I am a splendid guy. I love doing things other people say cant be done. I'll find a way or create my own. I am a person who always finishes what I start. I'm an optimist and believe anything is possible if you believe it is. If you think you can or think you cant either way your right.
I am sarcastic and don't take things to serious. Life is too good and too short to be getting caught up in the smallest of issues. Visit my official website(s) below to get to know about me better.
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage."
And my personal favorite created by me is:
The best way to get started learning about me is by visiting my top website(s) below:
Muhammad Asyraf Bin Aziz
Smartbiz Genuine Network (0166744-M)
G-4-10 Putra Indah Apartment, Taman Pinggiran PutraJalan PP16 Seksyen 2, 43300 Seri Kembangan
Selangor. MY
Phone: 017-9449906 ext -
E-mail: support@imwithasyraf.com