The Humanities and especially comparative literature, for Arthur, has always been a primary source of inspiration and basic pathways of communication. Philosophers, poets, myth makers and Humanists such as Joseph Campbell , and critical thinkers such as Edward O Wilson , the evolutionary biologist have helped shape his view of the world.
Where once Arts and Letters resonated the most influence on his education and perspective, Earth Day 1970 marked a beginning transformation, and brought a new meaning and imperative to his future. Arthur's interest in Natural History blossomed.
Arthur began to view the world through the prism of " interconnectedness," much as his beloved mystic poets had informed him at an earlier time, now he realized, rather than abstract concepts, this "interconnectedness" included everything on the planet and beyond. Also at this time, as a young man, his love of the books of Hermann Hesse and other Buddhist thinkers, led him to Tassajara Zen Retreat in the Ventana wilderness of California. Arthur's week there validated his spiritual journey and influenced him permanently. Along the way a number of his lyric poems were set to music and performed in concert, and he served as stage director to opera workshops including at the university level.
While poetry and music had a special place in his heart, and Humanism continued to inform his relationships with with society, this new imperative, to take action in healing the planet, he envisioned was to be a goal for life. One modest way to accomplish this goal was to effect a change in systemic, cultural attitude. One method, among others was to utilize fiction in the form of a 115 page film script, " In the Volcano ," and a 550 page novel: A Grotto in the Sea.
Arthur's idea for a transformative, personal development web site " Planet Desiderata ," and the inspirational reference tool, "Supreme Insight Life Chart," and the "Illuminations," the contextual, six page, novel definitions of the main ideals, to open the mind to Humanism: the potential for self growth ,knowledge, awareness and transformation . He reasoned that the better we understand our potential for change and personal development, then the total sum affect on the planet will be positive.
To explore the world that we apprehend, and the un-seen world that holds timeless wisdom. To recover the lost worlds that man has plundered to insure the miracle of life continues in all its diversity.
Ideas are like bridges; with time, like bridges, some ideas wear out and need replacing. Today's paradigm, tomorrows relic.
" Earth's crammed with heaven."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"You never find yourself until you face the truth."
Pearl Bailey
Recognition of all lifeforms as the source of ultimate planetary restoration
A message of non-destructive behavior.
A race against time before man commits ecocide.
From " Illuminations "
Honorto live by words, deeds and covictions. Honorto live with unlemished conscience, and uncompromised principles. The measure of Honorthat others accord to us, is equal to the measure of Honorthat we accord to ourselves. Where there's Honorthere's respect. To Honoris to replace "I"with "Thou."To live in Honoris to live in peace. In Honoris salvation.
Faith is the unwavering certitude that our belief and trust will be justified and vindicated. Faith is infinite. Faith transcends doubt. Through Faith is redemption. From Faith come miracles. To have Faith is to bring forth the goodness in the world and feed the hungry.
Creation is the manifestation of the material world from the invisible and infinite. Creation brings forth something and releases the imagination to behold new paradigms. Creation is a representation of the material world, or an abstract of that world from which, new dimensions are revealed. Creation is a lesson as to who we are, and where we may be going. Creation is a vehicle to the future, of immortality. Creation is a candle in the dark, a particle of light across the void, a melody. Creation is the hope of mankind.
Compassion is the capacity to relate to the suffering of all beings, and the desire to relieve that suffering. Compassion is the capacity to express forgiveness, to be merciful, and to withhold judgment. Compasionis to be in touch with the divine spark.
Love, Honor, Faith, are the three pillars, the major triad which compose and support the other eleven primary attributes and values within the
" Supreme Insight Life Chart:"
Love is devotion, generosity, good will, and selflessness. Love is sacrifice and forgiveness. Love protects, nourishes and comforts. Love has the capacity to care deeply, to express affection, tenderness and joy. Love is sharing and openness.
Love is unconditional and conquers all. Love is active.
To Love is to find in ourselves something pure that we long to share with the world. A becoming! A rebirth of innocence...