Sifu Adam Williss is an Orange County-based martial arts instructor and
owner of The Dragon Institute. He has made it his mission to empower
individuals from all walks of life with the benefits of martial arts -
having had the opportunity to train numerous professionals, athletes,
corporate executives and everyday people.
Sifu Adam has
educated, empowered and entertained individuals both in Orange County
and abroad through his seminars, websites, articles, publications and
speaking engagements. Sifu Adam and his work has been featured in
several publications both online and in print.
Sifu Adam
practices a unique approach to Wing Chun Kung Fu in Orange County as
given to him by internationally recognized expert Bill Graves. Sifu
Adam is proud to be counted among Bill Graves' top Wing Chun students
and to be given the honor of having Wing Chun instructor status under
him. Few people possess true martial arts greatness in this day and
age, however Bill Graves is unequivocally one of them. Bill's martial
ability in the art of Wing Chun is none other than amazing. His
intellectual grasp of the inner workings of Wing Chun is, quite
frankly, ingenious. Bill's teacher is none other than modern day Wing
Chun legend, Karl Godwin.
In addition to this, Sifu Adam has
studied in-depth other forms of Wing Chun as well. He has either
experience or personally researched several different forms of Chinese
Kung Fu, Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan, Jeet Kune Do concepts, Modern
Boxing, Classical Pugilism / Bare-Knuckle Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts
(MMA), Muay Thai, Silk-Reeling Qigong and more.
A strong voice
for functional simplicity in the martial arts, Sifu Adam is the founder
of Wing Chun Magazine ( It is the only magazine
dedicated to Wing Chun in all its forms, spellings, lineages,
traditions, innovations and modifications. This includes Wing Chun,
Wing Tsun, WingTsun, Ving Tsun, Jeet Kune Do, and many more.
Adam is also founder of International Wing Chun Day held annually on
the 3rd Saturday of March. He serves in top positions of several
associations such as President of the California Wing Chun Association
and Director and State Rep of CA for the World Ving Tsun Athletic
Association. He was approved for induction in the United States Martial
Arts Hall of Fame, is an Associate Member of the International Kung Fu
Federation, member of the Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Association,
Independent Martial Arts Federation, International Combat Martial Arts
Unions Association, United States Kuo Shu Federation and National
Qigong Association.
Sifu Adam Williss can be contacted by calling (949) 939-4117 or by email at sifu [at]