In our modern society, we more and more see bullet point articles.

We want to cure everything with the ‘miracle pill’ and the new gadget.At times we are blessed with such discoveries; other times, one more guru is born with the latest miracle cure.

When it comes to PMS, I have discovered in the last decade I have been researching the subject, that no miracle pill works, no gadget is the cure-all, no therapy has it all.
That being said, I have also discovered how every woman plagued with PMS is unique. Unique in her history, unique in her relationship to her pains, unique in her surrounding and the manner in which she deals with her symptoms.One this is certain for me so far, is that EVERY WOMAN HAS AN UNRESOLVED WOUND HIDDEN BEHIND HER PMS !
My approach will remain NEW for a very long time because as I see women handling their menstrual cycles, and pharmaceutical companies makings millions of dollars on their back, and their sufferings, only a small amount of people are willing to do the inner foot work to heal their intimate reality.

That being said, I still propose these steps for those who are fed up to swallow their pain back into the closet and really invite you to consider an old fashioned way to heal, i.e. connecting within.

1. Learn what foods and steps a woman has to undertake to become, enjoy and stay healthy; stay away from fast foods and damaging lifestyles;
2. Heal your addictions: too much caffeine, smoking, too much alcohol or drugs, overworking, etc. In other words, balance your life at all levels;
3. Know yourself and explore your unresolved wounds and inner ghosts. It is well known that happy people live better and longer lives with fewer diseases;
4. When plagued with PMS, start a journal, list all your symptoms. Make it your best to sort out your emotions and your physical sufferings. If pertinent, chose a main label and enumerate the sufferings that belong to that label. Ex. ‘My relationship with…?’ or ‘My depressing moments’. ‘My cramps’. Compare one month to the next.
5. Once your symptoms are listed under a label, find the possible pleasure(s) you are deriving from that suffering! (There is always one at least!) We rarely realize all the power our subconscious thoughts have on our mind, body and spirit. We can train ourselves to understand what are the negative rewards we derive from our symptoms or disease, and help ourselves embark on a road to recovery.
6. Learn to decipher and phrase the limiting belief you understand is hiding behind your symptoms. The cue is: IF I… THEN I…
Ex. If I have migraines, then I can take a day off…
Ex. If I suffer in this relationship, then I do not have to face changing or divorcing…
Ex. If I have cramps, then I can take it easy and escape some chores, or else…
7. Ask yourself empowering questions and share your findings with your therapist or a good friend about what you could do to change that belief or behavior ; talk is rather cheap and helps effect a positive difference. Even writing to yourself or to your angel will be healing.
8. Look at the price you pay and will continue to pay, if you do not change that aspect of your life. Imagine yourself in 5, 10, 20 years down the road if you change nothing!
9. It is my firm belief that healing your PMS will have a beneficial long-term effect when my menopause knocks at your door;
10. Be kind with your mind and help yourself change for the better one day at the time.
Blessings and healing to all my readers.

Author's Bio: 

Pauline Houle is Therapist with 20 years experience. She has a background in Social Work and Psychodynamic trainings that really make a difference in people's lives. She has a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Studies, which has been a great help in keeping her focused on the big picture of PMS and what women need to know in order to heal it.
Contact: Pauline Houle :
514-277-6097 or 518-563-6834