In the journey of personal mastery it is important to recognize and own the very core “powers” or functions of your mind-body system. It is important to recognize and own your “Power Zone”. When you do this, you establish the foundation for your personal empowerment , responsibility, and proactivity. People who block this have a strong tendency to let other people and circumstances determine their state of mind. By worrying about what others may or may not think of you, you give them permission to determine your state of mind. And, every time you do this, you give them your power. You can learn to own your four powers of thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving while allowing space for other’s to have their powers. By giving them permission to own their powers as you own yours, you choose not to let them control your powers via your mind-reading any judgment they may or may not bring to bear on you. In your fear of them judging you, you judge them and in the process, give your power away.

You have two private inner powers: Thinking: re-presenting, believing, valuing, understanding, reasoning, etc. Feeling: embodying (somatizing), valuing, etc. You have two public and outer powers: Speaking: languaging, using and manipulating symbols, asserting, etc. Behaving: acting, responding, relating, etc. Just notice these powers as you “step into them” fully. Think about you as a thinking person and be inside that thought. Be aware of your ability to feel and step inside that. Think about your self as a person who can speak fluently and be inside that. Become aware of you as a person who has behaviors and step inside that thought. Access them so that you begin to feel these powers. Use your hands to mime out these powers in your own personal “space” to create your Circle of Power and influence and responsibility.

Would you like to know more about how to develop your personal power? Contact me and setup your free consultation. Click Here!

Til next time…

Author's Bio: 

Charles Eduardos, "The Victory Mind Mapper" is a native of Cleveland, Ohio and an ordained minister with 35 years of experience in pastoral and evangelistic ministry. He is Pastor at Our Savior's Rocky River Lutheran Church, and also serves as Coaching Coordinator for the Northeastern Ohio Synod. He is an experienced Corporate Coach, trainer/facilitator Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner who has worked with organizations (profit and non- profit) to support them in identifying and tackling their challenges. Charles is an attentive listener, who gives a different perspective to perceived barriers.