We remember as kids grabbing blankets, pillows and sheets and throwing them on any piece of furniture that we could and we made a fort. We would bring toys in the fort and play in there for hours. Oh, what fun that was!
We also made tree forts. We took our time and picked out the perfect tree in the yard. You would grab whatever wood and materials we could find and start putting it together. Once completed, it became our own little sacred place. Important childhood topics were discussed amongst those in attendance. Along with the treehouse came rules that were established. The planning and teamwork that went into the treehouse left you with a great feeling of accomplishment.
We all have our own space that relaxes the body and the mind and nourishes our soul. Among these places are caves in the woods or mountains. Beachcombers can walk the sandy beaches for hours, the sun shimmering on the beautiful blue water, the sound of the waves as they come into shore and the feeling of sand in between your toes.
You don’t just have special places to go to as a child; you also have them as an adult as well. Some people feel like they are in their own space on a football field, a tennis court, a basketball court or on a golf course. They play as a team but they are in their own element which eases the mind and lifts the spirit.
When you are in your own space you have to consider the elements as well. Being in water; regardless if it’s a swimming pool or a lake, has a wonderful, soothing effect on the mind, body and spirit. A nice bon fire can have that same effect on you. The wind blowing on your face and through your hair can have the same effect as well.
Some prefer their space to be calm and peaceful while others prefer to have music to fill their space. There is no feeling like driving along with your favorite music playing; the sound soothes your soul.
You don’t need an elaborate treehouse or have access to the beach to enjoy your space. The great thing about it is, your space can be as big of an area as you are. That is your personal space to think, to dream and to grow.
So, if you are meditating, racing toward the finish line, sailing or catching the big one, it is your personal time and space and no one can take it away from you. You own it! Sometimes we are just too busy to take anytime for ourselves. If you can grab five minutes to yourself, it will work wonders while creating a happier you.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Tami Principe; I created my website, http://www.WomensRecreation.com , to offer hope and encouragement to those in need. I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I am the author of four books, “Walk in Peace,” & “My Soulful Journey,” & “The Wishing Well,” and “The Green Rabbit.” My radio show is http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation , feel free to listen to the archives.