Your Mind’s Operating System / Online Marketing

This week’s article is the first installment of two articles devoted to understanding how your mind works. It is designed to supplement my soon to be released You Tube video, which will be a visual representation of the words and thoughts expressed in the article.

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Let us start with a general description of the main components of the total system needed to produce meaningful results. The brain is the organ comparable to the hardware components in a computer system, which is necessary to run the system's operating programs. It includes the circuitry needed to connect all the important components within the overall system; these being the nervous system and all body parts associated with our everyday movements and functions.

Conceptually the mind houses the body of software programs necessary for the brain's direction and output. Mind dynamics encompass both conscious and sub conscious thought. Conscious thought is activity of which you are aware of and using at the moment. The sub conscious mind is your file system of memories, sensations, emotions, and values. As we progress in our explanation of mind dynamics, you will start to see how your mind operates and functions on a daily basis. The mind works with two basic entities: the conscious and sub conscious minds. As you are reading this text your conscious mind that is "on" right now, acknowledges you as the center of your world and presumably the decision maker in your life. In reality you will find as more information is shared with you, it is the sub conscious mind that is the ultimate decision maker in your life and should be evaluated as the real you. It will soon be evident that it is your sub conscious mind that has to be affected before change in your information files can take place.

Overall it is a system that works synergistically for total effect. One part of the system cannot work without the other. Let us position the basic organ needed for processing and store housing information, which is the brain. Keep focused on the thought that your brain is like the hardware of a computer system. The mind is the sum of software programs giving it the ability to conduct various applications daily. Within the brain matter are billions of tiny inter connected nerves, keeping on file every sensation we have ever seen, heard, smelled, felt, tasted, or experienced. Science has proven that nothing we have ever learned or experienced is ever lost from this file system, unless a portion of the brain is hurt, injured, or removed. Conceptually the brain itself could be compared to a computer, in how it operates, but the actual ability to think and learn is the basis of mind theory. Come to understand that the mind is harder to quantify and describe than the brain with which it works. The brain is a concrete entity while the mind is abstract. Without the brain's systems in place, the mind's gymnastics or software programs would have no available circuitry to travel through in their daily use. Scientifically we know that the brain has two lobes or hemispheres. The right lobe that enables us to use our creative and artistic energies is more conceptual in orientation, and also controls our body's left side. The left lobe is our analytical, logical one; more detail oriented and controls the body's right side. Both are used in our elementary process of evaluation and decision making process. Ideally, since we are on the subject of the brain, we also have to bring in some basic information about the electrical frequencies on which the brain operates throughout its complete range of activity.

Technically there are four frequencies on which the brain operates on. The brain when actively "on", as in conscious thought, as it is now when reading this text is operating on Beta frequency. This frequency is the fastest of the four. When you are asleep, the brain's frequency is the slowest of the four, called Delta. There are two other frequencies that are necessary to establish since they are slower and allow Mind Fitness Programs to work effectively. These are the frequencies of Alpha and Theta. Alpha is a transition and slower frequency of the brain allowing it to slow its inner workings and easier access to the right creative side. Theta is the frequency where the mind and the brain have slowed their internal chatter to a point where they are clean of all conscious thought. This clean state is the destination where many people in meditation go mentally as they allow the inner person to accept universal solutions to many of life's questions. For our purposes, we will be training and developing the Alpha state, which is perfect for your personal handling of day to day scenarios that you want to change. Bear in mind that the emphasis for personal development is to acknowledge that change is needed, to label the specific area for change, and to follow through with a program for change. Let's start with a basic explanation of how the mind would look if drawn for visual purposes. The visual drawing would take the shape of a circle and be easy to understand. It is clear to see that the section labeled the Conscious Mind is the lesser of the two sections and only approximately 12 per cent of the total circle.

The remaining section that is labeled the Subconscious Mind is the greater of the two and compromises approximately 88 per cent of the total circle. Let's evaluate them on their individual merits. The conscious mind is what allows you to reason, to rationalize, to use logic in your decision making and the mind that knows right from wrong. The conscious mind developed over time as you obtained information through your baby and toddler years. It was guided by direction given you by parents, role models, schools, religious organizations, and society in general. We'll follow up with more information on the conscious mind after we evaluate what got you to that point. To thoroughly understand the conscious mind we have to go back to the sub conscious area first. You see this area has to be looked at as the starting point for development because when we are first born, there is no logic, no reason; there is basically "reaction" to the environment around you. Interestingly enough, the only two fears a baby is born with are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Everything else is learned and becomes automatic reaction and behavior . Automatic in the sense that the heart and body functions are all on this auto pilot that does not have to think to act. They carry out their functions without a thought taking place, and luckily so.

What if you had to think to keep your heart rate up, your lungs to breathe for you? These are bodily functions that we take for granted, yet when evaluated are under the direct control of our sub conscious mind. Habits such as driving a car are no different. Remember the first time you tried driving, especially if it was a standard transmission. Remember the many attempts at engaging the clutch without stalling the engine. The jerky action of the car as you gave it gas. All of these activities were new information to your system. It took many times trying to get it where it felt smooth and like you knew what you were doing. Today you take it for granted as you have been driving for so many years that it has become automatic behavior . Many of you now go down the road with the radio at full blast, drinking coffee or cola, speaking on your cellular phone, and doing countless other things, while your autonomic file for driving takes over. Think about this one activity and how files are built within the sub conscious mind. Your habits are no different. At first they do not register because they are completely new information, but as you do them over and over, they become files and develop thickness. This applies to positive and negative information.

We are creatures of habit and many of our behavioral traits have also become automatic behavior . This is the principle of how information is added to the files within the sub conscious mind on a regular basis. As you progress through life the strong files many times drive your behavior in an automatic mode. In the human evolutionary process the sub conscious mind came first. A new born child learns through association and identification. These processes will start and set up the foundation for the life script, or files of behavior within the sub conscious mind by approximately the age of eight. The conscious mind utilizing logic and reason will be in place by approximately by the age of twelve. Let's go back one step further in the evolutionary chain and see where these initial processes started. If you evaluate primitive humans and their environment, you have to take into account the constant need for survival present at that time in history.

As humans evolved in their primitive world, the need to survive developed a basic response to life threatening situations. These two reactions called Flight or Fight had a dramatic impact on the development and evolution of humans. The mindset was very basic at this point as survival was critical. Confrontational situations with other humans and many times animals, created anxiety . As the anxiety levels increased, the need to reduce it was also basic at this point. Some humans in response to the anxiety developed greater strength and aggressiveness called the (Fight) reaction, while others developed agility, speed and increased use of the senses: smell, sight, and hearing called the (Flight) reaction. If you were to evaluate the primitive dwellers that did not develop these two responses, you would have to agree that those early humans probably became extinct. The key to understanding this information is that as humans developed the basic reactions of Flight or Fight to the environment around them, they also learned to think a little more each time based on their reaction to either mechanism. This learned information would eventually develop greater consciousness or awareness. Man with his increased realization came to understand that he did not have to act on every impulse that confronted him and started to develop conscious control. Progressively the sub conscious reactions were handling everything that was involuntary. This original part of the human mind is still present in the subconscious mind and is labeled the "Primitive Mind", which is reactionary in times of heavy stress to the mind and body allowing us to react instinctively with the same response mechanism as primitive man; Fight or Flight. Today there are examples of these types of reactions such as the various situations you sometimes read about in newspapers or see on TV. The mother that came across the highway accident and seeing a family member trapped under the car is able to lift it while the trapped person is pulled to safety. The survivors of airplane crashes that help other passengers escape even though they are hurt and disoriented. Primitive Mind still resides as a small part of the subconscious mind.

Your sub conscious mind has been developing since birth and is the total of every experience you have encountered through the senses and the emotional values set up through your life experiences. In other words it is similar to a file system of all the different experiences you have ever come across in your lifetime. Think of your Sub Conscious mind as a file room of information. A room full of files, some files thin, some thick, depending on your life experience in any given area. These files are sometimes positive; as when you were given praise as a child, or conversely negative, as when you were given demeaning or derogatory statements related to your involvement to the world around you. We all remember many positive situations in our lives as well as the times when we left the situation feeling poorly about ourselves at that specific moment. Some of us always received praise for doing our school work well, for working with our fellow student’s well, for finishing our projects on time, for having a good attitude in school or in social settings. These are examples of positive files that continue to accrue "thickness" as we build on them with further additions to the file. The more positive the file room, the stronger the propensity of reacting positively to life's situations. On the other side of the coin, when given consistent negative input as children, the propensity will be to react negatively as the foundation files have been structured this way. Remember the sub conscious mind has no rationale; it just accepts information. This information can work to either your advantage or disadvantage. Although consciously you feel in control of your daily decision making, it is constantly affected by the sub conscious file room of information, which is the real you.

The conscious mind has the ability to reason and rationalize which decision will be the best at the moment, but it cannot implement this actual decision until the sub conscious agrees and is able to direct its energies toward the goal. Keep in mind that the sub conscious is 88 per cent of the total capacity and definitely overrides the decision making process when its files related to that specific situation are thick from experience.

Look for installment two coming next week, continuing the subject and giving you a solid overview of the mechanics that your mind undergoes throughout your daily activities.

The Author has been an industry leader in the Professional Beauty Industry for more than 40 years at every level and has certification in hypnotherapy. His insight and experience have helped many companies and individuals with their growth and development over the years. His book, Happiness Is Your Birthright, supports his philosophy on life and is a practical handbook to create positive change throughout one’s life.

Author's Bio: 

James is a talented and dynamic International Public Speaker and author, with attention focused on current market dynamics, with well thought out solutions for short and long term individual success.

James has extensive experience totaling over forty years in the Professional Beauty Industry. James started out as working owner of two very successful Redken Concept salons, has degrees in Management and Marketing from the University of Oklahoma, and has held executive positions with Redken Labs, Matrix Essentials, and numerous other companies in the industry.

James brings an additional edge to his presentations having Hypnotherapist training and certification with The Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college and clinic of hypnotherapy, with the ability to help people become more successful in their personal and business lives. As author of Happiness Is Your Birthright, a practical handbook to create positive change throughout one’s life, his presentations are a must for any progressive person looking for a simpler and more effective approach to creating positive change and long term results in their daily life.