If you have an eating disorder , then you are familiar with the pain and shame that is felt up to this point in your journey. The great news is that your journey can do a 180 right here and now. You will no longer have to live in hiding and shame of your unhealthy relationship with food. You can change your journey into one of health, happiness and self-love. Before we begin this change, we must take a look at the journey which you have already been on. This will help you to move past the difficult steps to recovery.

Individuals who suffer from an eating disorder often experience a cycle of dieting and binging. The typical cycle begins with an eating binge, which consist of eating a large quantity of food. This can go on for hours or even days. Then the guilt sets in and you begin to feel like a failure. You had promised yourself there would be no more hiding food. You rush to find the best new diet out there. You may do well for a few days. The pain that you cover with food returns, and so does the binge eating.

The cycle of binge eating and dieting can leave you feeling worthless and hating yourself. You may begin to feel that you are the only one out here that has this type of relationship with food. You begin to believe negative myths about dieting and yourself. There is a lot that you can do to change your journey around. You must first decide if you are ready to recover from your eating disorder .

You can determine if you are ready by answering a few simple questions.

1. Are you ready to rely on yourself and others instead of food?
2. Do you want to feel pure happiness in your life?
3. Would you like to be open with others and enjoy meaningful relationships?
4. And most importantly do you have a desire to change?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are on your way to having a healthy relationship with food.

The change must begin my dispelling the negative myths that you have developed through your years of dieting and binge eating. One of the first steps to recovering from an eating disorder is to change all of your negative thoughts into positive ones. This will help you stay motivated throughout the process. You will begin to believe these new set of beliefs and develop a love for yourself in whatever shape that you are in.

You may still have hopes of losing weight. Although you will no longer have an unhealthy relationship with food, this does not mean that you must become overweight. You can maintain a healthy weight in a natural way. The non-diet approach can help you maintain a healthy weight without dieting. You will not feel like a failure like you did with other diets. You will not feel deprived of the foods that you love. This is one aspect of the journey that you can become successful at and feel great about your accomplishments.

If you have an eating disorder your journey does not have to be a straight line. You can turn around and head back in the other direction. This can be done by making changes in your life that allow you to love and accept yourself.

Author's Bio: 

The above article is based on the book, "Winning Overeating" by Ofira Shaul. Ofira is a Naturopathy doctor. This experiential, self-development leader has devoted her life to finding the best natural way to obtain permanent weight loss while improving the total quality of your life. Her all-natural program does not require you to use any pills, count calories, or starve yourself.

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