Yes, you owe it to yourself to express your uniqueness. When you do this on a consistent basis, you will feel more complete. There’s no one else exactly like you. You are one very special individual who was created to be who you are…doing the best you can each day to get the best results life has to offer. When you can accept yourself and love yourself with all your strengths and all your weaknesses, you will be more able to express your uniqueness.
Remember, weaknesses provide you with opportunities for growth When you accept and respect yourself, you will be better able to express your uniqueness. You have so much more to offer the world than just a shadow of yourself. Give up your old hurts and scars. Know that whatever caused them was in your life to help you grow. Give up negative thinking. Focus on a positive future. Keep forgiving yourself for any mistakes you may have made. If you could have done better at the time, you would have. Congratulate yourself for becoming who you are.
Many of us undermine our confidence by trying to earn the approval of others. For some reason, we think if we can get the approval of those around us, things will be better. The truth are the only one who can make your life better. Until you learn how to believe in yourself, rely on yourself, and be who you truly are, you will have to rely on your ability to influence others to fulfill your needs.
You owe it to yourself to meet your own wants, needs, and expectations. This doesn’t mean you have to be alone. It means that whether you are alone or with others, you can be yourself….the wonderful one-of-a-kind unique individual you were created to be.
What are you doing today to express your uniqueness?
Judi Moreo is an author, speaker, and life coach. She has written 11 books including “You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power.” Judi can be reached at or go directly to her website by going to