The end of the year is quickly approaching. This is a time when many of us put unrealistic and often unhealthy expectations upon ourselves. If we perceive the year end as hectic, guess what… we get to be right because that is what we are holding in mind. When we are feeling pressured by time we are focusing on what’s wrong instead of enjoying all that we’ve accomplished throughout the year. We may also be focusing on the to-do lists, instead of looking forward to all of the good things that are forthcoming.
By focusing on time being somewhat limited, we are adding unnecessary stress into our daily lives. Instead of focusing on our having plenty of time, and that we also have enough resources available to us to complete our projects, (which are certainly more positive outcomes), we focus on lack. The Law of Attraction simply states, “What we hold in mind is what we are creating!” Lack, or its opposite which is having or plentitude, are both choices. We can choose to see the glass as half full or half empty. By choosing to make better decisions will help each of us to begin to experience a greater sense of being pro-active instead of reactive.
As we project running out of time or resources, we are focusing on negative aspects of our projects. Without realizing what we are doing, we are causing ourselves to begin to panic. Panic or fear will prevent us from thinking calmly and logically. The difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude is allowing fear to attempt to decide for us. If we are focused on fear or other negative aspects of our projects, we are causing ourselves to withdraw or give up on being successful. We are also operating on an automatic basis or conditioned response related to failing. It is much better for us to stop acting out our frustrations or indecisiveness. We can gently and safely begin to change our focus and begin to experience improved outcomes.
Year-end planning is an annual occurrence. By focusing on having everything work out peacefully and positively is helping us be more in control and confident. In truth, positive outcomes are what we would like to experience. Each time we plan on having positive outcomes, or see things from a positive point-of-view, is helping us overcome negative perceptions within our subconscious mind. Tasks related to year-end planning should include realistic goals. Taking a few moments to look at upcoming events, potential conflicts, daily activities and processes helps us to be aware of the larger picture. It is Ok to accept participating in activities that we are interested in attending. It is also equally Ok for us to decline. If you decide to decline participating in an upcoming event, be honest with yourself. Also take a moment to let others know of your decision.
We can decide to approach the errands process in a more concise manner. Lists work well for some; although sometimes we may feel overwhelmed. The reason for our feeling overwhelmed is because we perceive that we need to do everything in one day. Break tasks down into smaller segments. Identify and prioritize daily activities that will help you maintain a positive balance. Keep focused on achieving tasks in a productive and efficient manner. Other steps that we can do to help us with year-end planning is simply to acknowledge ourselves and others for the good work that each has contributed. Sharing words of encouragement, or even saying “Thank you,” “Good work,” or “Well done!” is certainly helping us to maintain a positive attitude and also promote goodwill towards one another. By recognizing our own positive accomplishments and those of others also helps each of us to feel more successful and less stressed.
We also need to be aware of our own personal needs. Do plan to enjoy foods you are eating. Perhaps ordering healthier selections, sitting quietly and in awareness of the foods you are consuming. Also do plan to enjoy rest cycles. By giving up things like food or sleep because we have too many items on our to-do lists, causes us to become grumpy and agitated. We need to be realistic at all times and perhaps ask others for assistance. Trust it is also Ok to ask for help. Be aware that most folks are also busy within their own lives and that most people aren’t mind readers. None of us has to pretend to be Superman or Wonder Woman. Each person already is a super-hero; we just have to see this for ourselves. It is helpful to let go of projects that no longer are enjoyable. Consider appropriate colleagues or family members that might like to step up and get more involved. Our sincere recommendations will help us to feel more in harmony and also allow others to develop leadership skills and achieve excellence in areas of interest to them.
These additional steps may help you feel more productive.
• Do plan to have fun; multi-tasking doesn’t have to be difficult.
• Be willing to do things that can be easily done.
• Also be willing to schedule adequate time for more involved projects (i.e. shopping, wrapping, baking, calendars, or cleaning out files, etc.).
• Be willing to try new things. If we are enjoying what we are doing, we always seem to get more accomplished.
• Do remember to stay focused on year-end goals, (whether business or personal) in a positive manner. Hold in mind what you wish to have in a positive, best-case scenario.
• Remember each day is a new day! Do what you can and be Ok with what you accomplished.
• Focus on goodness, joy, and the overall feeling that all is well and in perfect harmony.
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.
The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.