You may or may not have written an executive summary for your business.

You can use this information in your print materials, on the Internet, in presentations and proposals, and more.

The three top reasons people don’t write one are:

(1) They don’t know how;

(2) They haven’t even heard about it before; and

(3) They have no clue why they should.

If you’ve already written yours. Congratulations! You ahead of the crowd. Now, if you haven’t look at it in a year or more, then subtract seven of those points. It’s time for a review and probably update.

I’m going to give you a six-step process on how to create your Executive Summary – or revise yours, it this is the case.

Before you continue, I’ve attached a two forms -- Word and PDF -- to help make this easier.

Let’s get started!


For your first creation, you will be crafting your “Core Solution Statement.” This is a simple phrase that communicates the essence of your solution.

Here’s a fill-in example you can play with: I/We help XX companies/individuals retain XX.

Time to play. Using this example, write a page full of different sentences. Do it until you have three or four that feel just “like you.”


Okay, second task – the problem. What is the problem, pain or predicament your prospect has? You must understand, you have to write this so the prospect understands the problem not just you – which is a common problem I run across.

Here’s a practice sentence. “These days the biggest challenge in XX is keeping XX. If you know of a survey or statistics that back this up you can include this in the next sentence. Example: In a survey of XXX, the XXX. The second sentence is your proof and improves your credibility fast. So, take the time and do some research and find what’s says this problem is real.

Now, let me plug this in . . . these practice sentences are meant to play with. There are too many variables to present one that’s right for everyone.


Third – the solution. This is NOT giving them the solution this is discussing what’s possible if you solve this problem. Many people misunderstand this.In the second task, the second sentence, you were giving proof that there was a problem.

In the third part of your Executive Summary you need proof again but you want to give them an emotional visualization of what the business or their life will look like after they have your solution.

Example: Research also proves that the top reason for XXX is not XXX or XXX, but because of XXX. The good news is that when XXX changes, XXX (what happens).


Now the fourth part – how come? This is where you discuss why companies/individuals are stuck with this problem (number 2 above) and not having the solutions (number 3 above). There really isn’t a good example I can provide -- too many variables. Take this slow, think about it, and maybe reread this.


The fifth part is easier. It’s the one areas you’re most comfortable with. This is the process you need to do – the steps -- needed to resolve this problem and give them the solution you described. Again, continue playing.


For the sixth, you answer the question, “Why you/us?” A statement of why you are qualified to provide this solution. Many begin with “since [year], [name of your business] has been XXX to XXX by XXX. I hope you create something better. But if this is where you begin, go for it. Just begin.

When I first did this process, I found it painful. Painful because I thought I knew my CPA practice after five years. But once I moved past the guilt and admission to myself, I created 10 in a very short period -- all with different problems and/or solutions. The information served me in so many ways over many years. You’ll find the same.

This is worth the investment time you give it. Promise.

Author's Bio: 

Catherine Franz, a Certified Marketing and Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at: blog: