August has almost gone and with it the intense eclipse season. Ideally you are now in balance as the cosmos is setting the scene for your “turning point” month ahead – September.
The launch pad was prepared by three consecutive days of Saturn and Uranus completing an aspect which encourages the birthing of new structures; the full moon in Pisces urging us to go deep; and on the 27th Mars went direct. This latter move meaning now on is when to initiate a new project, a great love, an argument, a lawsuit etc..
Balance to Start Anew
The watery Pisces full moon combines with a grand trine in earth signs. This brings support for our thoughts and feelings to materialise in the events and circumstances of our lives.
September is always an intense month because it doubles up the influence of the number of the Universal year. 2018 is an 11 year, so adding the 9 of September (11+9 = 20) equals 2.
The energy of 2 is stimulating everything that has happened to you since the three eclipses of July and August. Intuition , psychic abilities and all the transformational events that have gone on this summer are in focus. The 2 is allowing you to assimilate all these, particularly where they relate to relationships.
The purpose being to bring all aspects of your life into balance to start anew. Which is the meaning of 11, the universal number for this year!
Balance is needed within as well as with others in your life. The 2 also means trust in the timing of when your intentions manifest. My experience is that often the optimal timing is not quite aligned with our own expectations! Which probably means the small details still need addressing.
The influence of 11 will be to listen to your intuition and guidance. Magnified this means there will be the opportunity to accomplish something that gives you great joy. Though it will need you to listen to your inner knowing as there may be an element of the unexpected about it.
A Moment for a New Perspective
Do so and you will feel you are walking down hill through October, November, and December. Giving you a glimpse of the new energies coming to you in 2019. For August was about planting the seeds, September sees their germination.
September will amplify the benefits of collaboration and invite you to unveil your inner wisdom .
For Pisces is whimsical, imaginative, and spiritually aware. Its power lies beyond the physical plane, in a place where your unconscious is soaked with beauty and dreams are made.
Your unconscious is where everything begins. It is where the seeds of your decisions are initially planted. Even though Pisces may not be as business-oriented as a sign such as Capricorn, it offers you the opportunity of a new perspective.
The full moon in Pisces wants you to simply bring some extra creativity into your world. It wants to awaken your inner-artist and help you interact with all of Creation from your soul´s perspective. Not from that of the mind.
To Make your Business Career Sparkle….
Instead of viewing your work as a monotonous, tedious cycle of necessity, try a new angle. Change the words you use. Allow your artistry to radiate through your actions and watch how your business career begins to sparkle.
Let go of thoughts about what society wants from you or what the guaranteed result of your work will be. Remember that reaching your fullest potential requires risk. It also requires you to enjoy every step of the journey. For there will always be another destination once you reach this one.
Use the opportunity of this full moon to take a long deep look at your business or career. What is it lacking? What are you not doing? The tasks you are procrastinating on? Are your mind, body, spirit working in balance or not? What is your direction?
If you find yourself at a transition point in your life where you are wondering what comes next for you, and you like the idea of doing something truly meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Message me to explore possibilities.
Until 22nd September we have a Virgo Sun, providing us with an eye for detail and good powers of discrimination. This is also when to gain clarity as to the service-nature of your business or career and set out your plans to grow it.
Pisces is opposite sign to Virgo, the sign of the Earth priest/priestess. Together they form an axis which must be balanced. To balance Pisces energy we need to embody the strengths of Virgo.
Creating Balance Through One Spirit Work
Virgo urges us to live our soul’s deepest calling as our service to all rather than prostituting ourselves by being in a job for the money or sticking with something we have outgrown because it provides a sense of security.
And a moment for you to Quest perhaps? Shamanics in Portugal´s 2018 Vision Quest is planned for 20th to 23rd September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 20th September followed in the afternoon by assembly ready for the Vision Quest.
June´s Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism was both fun and intense. The next one is 27th and 28th October. The weekend before, 19th to 21st October we have Working with Energy. It will empower you to understand, receive and give energy. So enabling you to integrate energy work within your daily practice as well as cultivate and use your intuition .
A full list of our events can be found on our Facebook page as well as our web site.
The Lessons Continue to Surface...
Compounding the effect of the full moon the majority of planets are still retrograde. This internalises our relationship with these celestial spheres and urges us to contemplate how well we are utilising their energies by observing their lessons in our human lives.
Providing the opportunity to move beyond old stories that result in the feelings of victimhood/blame/resentment and martyrdom. Our challenge is to confront how addicted are we to these states of being, are you ready to change them?
These last few months have seen many clients seeking to address long held patterns of behaviour which they do not understand or seemingly can change. Most have been as the result of soul parts being left in other lives or are ancestral.
One person did not have the confidence to take up an offer of his dream job! All have looked very different and relaxed as we parted.
5th September Mercury stations direct in Leo, releasing some of the delays and blocks that have urged us to review and revise rather than move ahead. Mars enters Virgo on the same day suggesting during the next six weeks much of our energy will be focused on work, daily life, health and pets .
Motivation is high for setting new visions and outcomes so use this transit to begin what previously you have felt impotent to start. Mars in Virgo is urging us to become organised.
The influence of Neptune on the 6th though could have us dreaming than doing. It will take disciplined effort to help us to achieve our dreams .
And the New Moon will….
The new moon rises in Virgo on 9th September. It will help you uncover secrets and overcome your fears. More significant is that the 9th on the 9th month triples the energy of the Universal year – the 11, the most intuitive number. It is also the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truths.
We will be at a point in 2018 where we have assimilated the new in our life. This will lead us being put to the test of a higher vibration. As such it involves embracing the unknown, so what appears may take us by surprise as we have not experienced it before in this life. What we create over the coming two weeks may leave a legacy.
Remember we do best what we enjoy and feel passionate about.
Shamanic coach, Speaker and Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life or visit: .
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Gregory Reece-Smith Bsc. (Econ), MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony ( ). He helps executives and entrepreneurs overcome the mental fog created by burn out, stress and decision making fatigue so they achieve the freedom and flexible success they desire.
He does this through shamanic and energetic practices to shift the beliefs that limit their lives and thus their world around them.
It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy. The clarity of which only became apparent when he read Ted McGrath´s foreword to The Seven Secrets. For the outsider often sees what we cannot from the inside.
Gregory has helped transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organizations. His blog can be found at: .
When not helping executives and entrepreneurs move beyond burn outs and mental fog to become super heroes, you can find him sitting on the terrace conversing with visitors as they enjoy the ever changing view of Serra da Estrela (the highest mountain in Portugal), tending the vegetables or taking a country walk with his wife.