As you know, winter is a difficult time for your hair. Due to changes of temperature and the need to wear a hat hair becomes more brittle, lifeless, and requires intensive care. How to help your hair go through the winter?

Less shampoo

Since in winter the air in your house is often drier than in summer and heating dries it even more, your hair could be seriously affected by the lack of moistening. At the same time, frequent washing and subsequent styling by the hair dryer is another stressful factor.

If you don't want your hair to become completely dehydrated to spring, you should at least increase the intervals between hair washing. This will require another shampoo - which should be good for moistening your hair and at the same time it should clean your hair very well. Try not to use a hair dryer, or at least try to use it less often to dry your hair.

Hair conditioner is required!

When picking up a moisturizing shampoo, do not forget about the conditioner. It should meet the needs of your hair. So if, for example, you have only hair tips dehydrated, you should not choose the conditioner with strong moisturizing effect to avoid burdening the hair, but it makes sense to buy a separate conditioner spray and spray it on the tips when needed.

And do not forget that conditioner should not be washed off immediately after application. At least once a week, leave the conditioner on the hair for three minutes and then wash it off.

Take care of your skin

From cold air outside and warm in the house not only you hair is affected, but also a skin of the head. It also becomes dry which may cause irritation or dandruff. That's why in winter the skin on your head needs special care as well.

First of all, pay attention to your hairbrush. In no case should it injure the skin. In addition, you should regularly (ideally - each day) massage your head- it improves circulation. If you notice dandruff, change your shampoo to the medical one.

More water

It turns out that you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day to make your hair stay beautiful. And in winter, when moistening for it is vital, try to drink eight glasses of water a day.

But do not forget that tea, coffee and alcohol are not substitutes for water. On the contrary, they contribute to the removal of liquid from the body, and as a result deprive the hair of needed moisture. So if you drink, for example, a cup of coffee, compensate it with a cup of water (in addition to the mandatory eight glasses a day).

Diet for beautiful hair

In winter we often eat food rich on carbohydrates, but remember that sweet and farinaceous food is not needed for your hair. Fatty fish (salmon, sardines), chicken, fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads and brown rice will be more useful for your hair. Include these products to your diet and your hair will thank you.

Cosmetics to help

If you consider yourself to be an admirer of the achievements of modern cosmetology, you can make use of its development. Today, there are plenty of tools to help your hair through the winter, starting from the masks, creams and serums and finishing by styling gels designed specifically for winter.

But before you buy expensive products consider consulting an expert - this way you will save both your time and money.

Author's Bio: 

Steven Gallow is an social blogger. His articles include education advice,career tips, jobs and salary overview . Favorite topic: Anesthesiologist Career .