Cholesterol testing is a very important part of being mindful of your own well-being. Most doctors recommend that you start getting your cholesterol checked from age 18 or 20 years old, and every five years after than to ensure good health. Some children should get their cholesterol tested between the ages of 2 and 10 years old if they have a known history in their family of diseases, such as heart disease , premature coronary artery disease or high cholesterol, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

However, for most people, it's advised that you get your cholesterol tested once you have reached adulthood.

You may be wondering why it is important to get your cholesterol tested regularly. The Mayo Clinic, a leading medical clinic that is paving the way for the advancement and innovation in the procurement of revolutionary treatment, advises that there are several reasons why you should want to get regular cholesterol tests as an adult.

If you are eating a diet that is high in fat
If you have a family history of high cholesterol or heart disease
If you are currently obese or overweight
If you have you do not exercise daily and are relatively inactive

By getting your cholesterol tested regularly, you can avoid running into problems with your health. For instance, too much cholesterol can contribute to heart disease and heart related issues and medical complications. Too little cholesterol can also be damaging for your body as well. You won't know if you are in danger of either, however, unless you get tested.

If you do test for a high cholesterol level, there are some things that can be done to ensure that you get it back down to a normal and healthy level again. The doctors may advise you start taking medications to control your cholesterol. Or they may refer to you a dietitian that can aid you in properly planning healthy meals. In either case, being on the up about your health will only work to your advantage in both the present and later on down the road.

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