When people see that someone or a lot of people are buying a product than this gives them confidence and they start trusting you and your website. This is considered as social proof as what people are seeing online is a Social Proof as by watching others they are following them and are getting motivated and they are undertaking a certain form of behaviour.

If you are selling products online and aren’t using social proof on your website then you are in deep trouble. Down below are some of the benefits of social proof that will tell why you need social proof on your website.

- It helps you in winning the trust of the customers. If you aren’t able to win the trust of the customers then your business will die as because without the trust people won’t believe you and your product. You can try all you want but without social proof, on your website, you can’t sell anything.
- Social proof helps your business in making a true customer base that will stay true to you and will buy your product for a long time because you can win their trust and it also makes sure that your businesses will survive in the long run. As long as you are true and sincere to them they will stay sincere and honest to you.
- Social proof helps your website in sealing a lot of deals and helps in boosting the sales instantly. When people will see that other people are also trusting you and buying your product then this will make them buy your product.
- Social proof helps your website in attracting the customers and increase traffic at your website. It will also help in influencing the customers to buy your product and will convert that traffic into leads or potential buyers who will buy your product.
So these are all the benefits of having social proof on your website and it would be nonsense of not having it on your website.

Now the question is how to add social proof to your website and for this, you can use Social Proof Tools. These tools are very popular in modern time and with so many out there in the internet world I will recommend you the best one that is Fizfy Social Proof.
It is the best social proof software tool and it will hold the top category in social proof tools in the coming year. Fizfy Social Proof Notification Tool is the most powerful tool which influences visitors and attracts them and also skyrockets sales and conversions at the store. It is the best social proof tool out there. Fizfy helps in increasing Sales, Conversions & Signups.
This software provides 40+ Social Proof widgets which you can use to create Notification widgets at Fizfy Social Proof Notifications. List of Fizfy Notification Widgets:
1. Recent Activity
2. Social Sharing
3. Button Popup
4. Cookie Notice
5. Video Notification
6. Call in Action
7. Coupon Code
8. Social Widget
9. Fizfy Collector
10. Emoji Ratings
11. Email Subscriber
12. Callback Collector
13. Feedback Collector
14. Mail Collector
15. Text Collector
16. Testimonials
17. Subscriber Collector
18. Recent Sales
19. Sales Count
20. Active Visitors
21. Informational Bar
22. Collector Bar
23. Coupon Bar
24. Button Bar
25. What’s App
26. Messenger
27. Viber
28. WeChat
29. Telegram
30. Instagram
31. Snapchat
32. Skype
33. Line
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Pricing of Fizfy is very competitive Pricing starts from $29 with the access of all features which is competitive among other social proof software ’s.

Author's Bio: 

Fizfy is conversion tool which helps to increase sales and conversions.