What’s there in the wedding prayer? Everything, if you ask some people while others might not care much about prayers at a wedding. If you are opting for a traditional wedding ceremony you can’t do it without prayers. There is a reason people like to tie the knot in a traditional wedding ceremony. It is an opportunity for the couple to exchange vows in front of their guests and promise to be by each other’s side through thick and thin. Wedding prayers are the ideal way to honor your beliefs. They make the wedding more solemn and add a spiritual connection to it.

There are those who argue against traditional wedding ceremony terming them as a needless expenditure. But the fact remains most of the expenses in a traditional wedding has little to do with the traditions. You can, of course, skip all the pomp and grandeur if you wish to spend than money in a meaningful way. Prayers don’t cost you a dime. They are the most beautiful way of starting your relationship as Man and Wife where you seek blessings from God Almighty as well as those around you. Your friends and guests praying together for your long and happy association make the wedding much more meaningful than signing a legal document to declare yourself as partners for life.

Importance of Prayer

A relationship stands on the pillars of truth and honesty. This is what separates marriage from other relationships that we know of. The two of you praying together to lead a happy life in each other’s company is what makes wedding prayers special. You pray to enjoy success and happiness together and promise to share each other’s struggles. You pray for an eternal bond and years of togetherness and this is what makes these prayers special.

There are some who tend to believe that wedding prayer has a religious connotation more specifically associated with Christian weddings. This is far from the truth as you and your spouse can be from different religions or not the regular churchgoers and still, these prayers would add an extra bit of divinity to your wedding. While you may have heard wedding prayers a million times in the past do follow them closely and you’d see they are less to do with religion and more about celebrating the union between the two of you.

Find the Best Wedding Prayers Online

You don’t have to call your grand uncle or get in touch with an old priest to find the best wedding prayers for a traditional wedding ceremony . Thanks to technology prayers for a traditional wedding ceremony are available at your fingertips. From the opening prayer to the closing prayers, from short blessings to benediction you can find them all on your smartphones. The beauty with these sites is the fact that you can find different kinds of prayers. Whether you are religious and want to exchange vows with the same prayers as your grandparents did or want people to say prayers from a faraway land you can find them all here.

Make your choice and start this new phase of your life with a beautiful prayer on your lips.

Summary – In this write-up, we talk about the importance of wedding prayers at a traditional wedding ceremony

Author's Bio: 

Young Hip & Married is one of the best and affordable wedding officiant in Vancouver, BC . We offered our wedding services locally at affordable prices. Hurry up and contact us to plan and customize your wedding ceremony.