Look at us all bustling and moving about. So much craziness that seems random. Although, I do not believe that it is random.
I do, however, believe that in the craziness there is a clear point, as if to say the eye of the storm. One point that is not moving, that is still. If you stand in that place, between the moving about and the perceived randomness, there is a peace .
A distance from it all, that you can experience as your own.
Imagine for me a merry go round, the kind that existed back in the day when our safety wasn’t so dangerously on the line. If you stand in the direct middle of the merry go round, you can hardly see the world spinning around you like a blur of perceived chaos.
But you are still, and if you are careful and focus to stay directly in the middle, you can probably stand on your own just fine.
But if you move at all from the middle, from the eye of the storm, you will be sucked into the chaos and it will become you.
Or do you become it?
Doesn’t matter, nobody can tell because the chaos is so overwhelming that you lose control.
It is incredibly hard to return to the eye in the middle. But once you’ve been in the chaos, your only chance of survival is to find your way back …
Now imagine you are alone. There is no reason to leave the middle. There is no reason to engage. There is no reason to reach out and touch anything outside of the safety that is the eye of the storm.
Why would you leave?
Why would you leave peace ?
To grow, to learn, to evolve, to live!
So we create a reason.
We must create reasons that will tempt us to leave the middle.
Have you noticed that the moment you feel that you have found that eye of the storm, through meditation or Yoga, drugs, alcohol, and even intercourse, in those moments that you feel that you have finally got a hold of that illusive thing we call contentment, peace , zen, or happiness , you are then somehow ripped away?
The more we think we have arrived, the further we are thrown in the opposite direction.
The anger deepens, the temptation strengthens, the desperation rises, and the fear explodes.
What is happening?
We create reasons to move back into the spinning chaos. We have a strong innate desire to feel all of the sensations that are taking place beyond the safety of the middle of the merry go round. We can’t help ourselves.
Because, that point in the middle, that amazing moment where you feel yourself disconnect from the chaos, the bustling about, the drama, the fear, the anger, the sadness, the busyness, in that moment you are utterly, and literally … Alone.
I’m sure there are many of you arguing with me in your head right now.
“But we are one with God! We are all one! In that place we are connected!”
But, if we truly believed that, would we have not created this reality in the first place?
We want to believe all of the proverbs and words of Zen masters, but most of us are unable to grasp the concept, and we certainly aren’t ready to prove the theory by abandoning the connections that we do have for the illusion to be proven.
Imagine that?
Imagine I told you that this was all an illusion, and your reality is literally in your head!
It is isn’t it?
How do you even see what is outside of you? The light just bounces around in your head and you then put the millions of particles of light together piece by piece to create a picture that is clear enough to interpret in your mind …
You are imagining that you are seeing with your eyes!
Consider your dreams . Are your eyes open interpreting the images around you as you sleep?
They are not.Those images are in your head….
How do you know if you’re awake or not?
So why are we so adamant on creating a vision of people, and animals, trees and oceans, buildings and vehicles? Why would we create such an elaborate story that seems to go on and on and evolve over what we call time? It doesn’t seem to have much purpose if at any time we could snap our fingers and return to our true state at any moment.
Why have we created this seemingly inescapable desire to be a part of something more than our selves?
Let’s imagine
If we decided tomorrow to test the theory of illusion, we quit our fake job, we said goodbye to our fake family , we kissed our fake kids,and off we go to the mountains to sit alone and still and quiet, in the eye of the storm until we have convinced our mind that you are the only one that exists and all else disappears into thin air.
If you decided to abandon ship tomorrow, you would still be there the next day and the next day, and your families would still exist. You would not disappear, you would just be away.
But, if you did achieve oneness, you would never know if you proved it or not.
Think about it; If we perceive what we believe, and you managed to convince yourself that it’s all an illusion and you are in fact just one with everything, you would have to un believe that you could have created this world in the first place, so it would disappear completely from your memory!
Let’s say we have a soul, and our soul carries us from body to body, and we carry memory, like a hard drive, from body to body that we can access through hypnosis , past life regression, meditation etc.That memory is our belief particle that keeps the whole story running … for eternity.
How do I put it another way?
If someone could reach in and pull that file and delete it, the whole thing would be deleted.
But because we are all one, and our souls are connected by a higher mind, consciousness or a main switch board, we would have to convince the entire human race that they are an illusion for there to ever be the possibility of …

Author's Bio: 

Naomi Miller has studied all things spiritual for many years. She is certified in Psych K, Brain Gym, Touch for Health, Emotion Code, 500 hr Yoga Teacher Training, and Reiki Masters. She is an accomplished writer, and has learned to hone her intuitive skills into her writing. For years she has been working with clients, breaking down emotional walls, and changing core beliefs. Creating positivity and incredible change in the lives of many. Naomi's self growth has led to the creation of her blog http://www.NinjaNaomi.com where she shares her experiences, her discoveries, and her gifts with others.