Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is my skin so oily?” Oily skin is the result of your skin’s glands secreting more sebum than usual, leaving the surface with a shiny and greasy appearance. So, what leads the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum? The causes of oily skin range from a hormonal imbalance to the overuse of certain types of cosmetics. Your skin may also be oily due to rare genetic conditions like Fowler-Christmas-Chapple syndrome.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to get rid of oily skin with natural remedies like cornstarch, oatmeal, and orange peels. We will also look at the natural benefits of oily skin.

The skin requires some oil in order to function properly, but only in moderate amounts. One of the more difficult side effects of oily skin is acne, which develops when a buildup of dead skin cells mixes with P. acnes bacteria

Common Causes of Oily SkinWhat causes oily skin? The primary cause of oily skin is the overproduction of sebum, a waxy, oil-like substance produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebum is the body’s natural lubricant; it helps lubricate and waterproof your skin and hair. But when it is created in excess, it can leave the skin looking shiny and oily, and feeling greasy. This excessive sebum production can be caused by the following circumstances:

1. Puberty

When you enter puberty, your hormones often become unbalanced and are constantly shifting. This instability can lead the body to create disproportionate amounts of sebum. This is also the reason why most people who suffer from acne in their teenage years later grow out of it, as the hormone levels typically stabilize with age.

2. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can often throw a woman’s hormones into disarray, especially in terms of estrogen production. This fluctuation in estrogen can often cause sebum production to go into overdrive. The good news in regards to this cause is that the oily skin often returns to normal after the pregnancy is over.

3. Dietary Habits

The food that you eat can cause your body to create excessive amounts of sebum. Processed foods, foods and drinks high in caffeine, as well as foods high in fat and salt, can dehydrate your skin and cause the glands that create sebum to produce disproportionate amounts.

4. Cosmetics

Cosmetics such as foundations, powders, rouge, and bronzers can also lead to oily skin. Make-ups that are oil-based or come in a liquid form can trap the skin’s natural oils and cause the body to produce more sebum than it requires.

5. Skin Care Products

Too much exfoliation or cleansing of your skin can have the undesired effect of causing your skin to become oily. When you clean your skin too much, especially with products like scrubs, it can strip your skin of its natural oils. As a result, the body will try to overcompensate and make the skin oily.

6. Seasons

The changing of the seasons can also play a part in your oily skin. In the summer, a hot and humid period can cause the body to produce excess sebum in an effort to keep the skin moist. During the winter, when it is cold but there is less moisture in the air, your skin can become dry and dehydrated, causing the body to create more sebum to try and compensate.

7. Stress

Stress can manifest itself in a number of physical ways, including oily skin. It can cause the body to create excess androgen hormones, which can result in overproduction of sebum, causing the skin to be oily and greasy.

8. Genetics

Unfortunately, some of your skin issues may not have anything to do with your dietary or lifestyle choices. Many skin issues and sensitivities can be passed on genetically. So, if your parents both have issues with oily skin due to sensitivity to cosmetics, larger pores, etc., there is a good chance you will face similar issues

Read full article at: https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/skin-care-articles/why-is-my-skin-so-...

Author's Bio: 

Up until the end of 2016, Brent Chittenden had been a freelance researcher and writer, writing about everything from entertainment—including pro wrestling and stand-up comedy—to health and nutrition, to culture and lifestyle. In 2017, he joined the Doctors Health Press full time and couldn’t be happier about it. With a graduate certificate in Radio and Broadcasting, Brent brings extensive experience as a communicator and researcher, adding to the many talented health authorities and professionals on whose expertise Doctors Health Press