So you break up, and you want to get over that love, that ex.  But is it a harsh one or is it a very necessity.  Was it wrung from the start?  Are you absolutely sure. Will there be hurt? All this is so, because it’s life.

So, with your mind made and with both parties amicably agreed, you want to get over your love.  Sounds like nothing, but it’s approaching sensible, with no harm to either of the two.

Now we can begin. Begin exploring, beyond the norm, the Eric Kendel’s.  The old oak, is the love.  Music has to stop.  So what do we do, what do we do?  We understand why the fall in love occurred.  Let’s just do.

So, the usual, why do we fall in love with certain people?

Why does one does? what one does?  Is life about needs?  Does falling in love rise above everything? Or are we just ordinary?

Supposing love is a feeling and it is being there, then we can develop a model about why it happened from how it happened and extrapolate to get over it if necessary with time and healthily, and truly for the other, too.  And that is health.

There happen to be a few factors that contribute to falling in love:

  • One’s unmet desires or perhaps one’s shortcomings.
  • One’s past.
  • One’s values for life.
  • One’s beliefs.
  • The timing or perhaps the circumstances during the encounter
  • The response from the other as one interacts

To explain these factors in detail and in explicable dynamic action, we will bring in our characters, at least to explain a few of the above listed actors that contribute to the falling in love.

Our characters are William, Michael and Emily.  We will see  William's process of falling in love with Emily. And try and explain the factors that play a part in this process.

William is an academically gifted student at college.  But he is considered nerdy and wears glasses.  There is then Michael who is big and not well academically gifted.  He always makes fun of William.  And thirdly, there is Emily.  She again is weak in studies and wants to do well.  She is also in a way protective of people who are defenceless against people who may harm other people.

So one day William was being harassed by Michael.  And as Emily happens to pass by and notice this, she voices her protective nature for William and indicates to Michael how he should not be harassing William and that he is poor in his mannerism. This makes William likes Emily.

Next day when William meets Emily, Emily tells him that Michael is a little rude and arrogant. This second encounter makes William like and probably falls in love with Emily.  Thereafter, William does not lose any opportunity to meet and talk to Emily.

This is how William fell in love with Emily.  However, Emily, had up to now, had not developed such feelings, and the liking from probably studious and a person successful at studies, interests her and she begins to have feelings for him.

Why do we fall in love with someone and not with another one?

1). Your subconscious mind and the Love Catalogue -

Let's look at the factors mentioned above and see how the falling of love of William can be explained in terms of these factors one by one.

2). One’s unmet desires or perhaps one’s shortcomings -

See William was successful as an academic student but he was susceptible to being bullied and could not stand up for himself at all times.  Emily happened to stand up for William and in a way to defend and protect him, too.

This made William likes her, and eventually falls in love.  So one of the factors that contributed, but wrongly, to the falling of love is the fact that William could not stand up for himself. But one might want to explore this further to find if William was a non-aggressive person and if the love was correct,  still.

3). One’s past -

Perhaps, William did not have such a girl as Emily to defend for him.   This made him like and loves her.  So one's past can be said to play an important part in the falling in of love process.

4). One’s values for life and One’s beliefs -

William and Emily had studies as the common grounds.  William was good at studies while Emily was weak but wanting to do well.  This brought them together because Emily had known about William

5). The timing or perhaps the circumstances during the encounter -

The timing and circumstances of encounter do seem to matter.  Emily would not have had the incident or the participation in the incident had Michael not been there. So, this incident with the three being present gave the opportunity to find out about Emily and that made William love her later.

6). The response from the other as one interacts -

OK, so it appears that Emily had not really loved William.  But as William was falling for her, she eventually began to like and the thought of the successful student going after her made her love him too.

7). The Love Catalogue -

The Love Catalogue gives a number of factors that may have wrongly contributed to the falling in love and it can help someone to get over the break up .  You see, knowing the right reasons can help be with a suitable person whom one can fall in love with or the vice versa.

And that's all folks.

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson doesn’t hold a PhD on psychology, however he better understand how to use psychology to get over exes within few days. You can find more interesting posts such as How to get forget an ex quickly on various platform across the web. For instant help to get over a breakup visit  The Master Training Kit