Without appreciation, life feels dull and lifeless.

All the beauty, goodness, vibrancy, peace , light, love, kindness, mystery, magic and miracles go unnoticed and, what a shame that would be.

It's important to acknowledge and share appreciation because there is much in life to be thankful for even on the days when there seems there isn't.

Appreciation is like a helping hand lifting you up and encouraging you when times are tough, and then anchoring you once again to the goodness and beauty always surrounding and supporting you.

Being thankful can see you through the most difficult of times; it truly can.

Through times when you don't know what's going to happen or whether you can go on, or when you are filled with doubt or worry, or when you aren't able to let go of the past, or are just tired of life, or when you are stuck in negative emotions, or in overwhelming situations or feelings, appreciation does help.

Alan Cohen said, "Appreciation is the highest form of prayer for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts."

Think of a difficult time; what/who helped you through? What or whom were you grateful for?

Each day the question to ask yourself is, "Where in my life, and in the life of another, do I need to shine the light of my appreciation?"

Being grateful helps to lighten the heaviness of what you or someone else is feeling or going through.

Appreciation shines the light of possibilities in the midst of problems.

If you aren't feeling thankful, then perhaps you aren't acknowledging that which is good in your life.

Have you told someone today you appreciate them?

Have you told yourself what you like and value about yourself?

Have you acknowledged what is important to you and is surrounding and supporting you?

If you don't have a journal where you jot down the things and people you are grateful for, start one.

Take a moment right now and look around you. Really appreciate all you have in your life and feel that.

Maybe you are grateful for the support and love of your family and friends, or your pet or animals, or the staff at a hospital, or the sun shining, or where you live, or that you are able to read and write.

Perhaps you appreciate your job, or your co-workers, or your boss. Maybe it's the beauty of nature, or going for a walk, or the food on your plate, or a warm cup of tea or taking a shower, or being alive.

As you give thanks for all that is, don't forget to acknowledge the goodness in you also.

Stop and be conscious of the goodness that encircles you and your life. When you do, you are focusing on what's truly important, even when times are tough.

Being thankful makes the rough times bearable and easier to endure.

When things settle, and they will, and your world feels right or brighter again, the gratitude you have for all that is becomes more vibrant, and perhaps is appreciated that much more because of what you went through.

Appreciation is important in your life because you and your life are worth appreciating.

Using these techniques with insight will assist you in seeing why appreciation is important in your life and the benefits because of it.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen, Your Insight Coach, teaches you how to gain YOUR OWN VALUABLE INSIGHTS that transform the stress, doubts, fears, and negative thinking holding you back and creating problems, rather than possibilities in your personal and professional life.

Through Kimberley's personal challenges and her training in self awareness modalities, she developed The Insight Technique™ to assist herself and others through stressful times and to live a life of genuine happiness, purpose, and prosperity.

Kimberley's passion is about learning, growing, and expanding, individually and collectively, as human and spiritual beings. She helps her clients gain awareness and insights that transcend stress and suffering, to ease and enjoyment.