In my work as a holistic practitioner and weight loss and wellness coach, as well as my personal life, I've seen that the right tools can turn resolutions into milestones that can ultimately work for you. But often, those goals must first be customized to fit your lifestyle and your health.

How would you like a clean slate, a second chance at New Year's-style renewal with some gentle, me-focused resolution ideas? Tailor them to YOUR perfect fit. January might be nearly over, but you still have plenty of opportunity to claim greater health and contentment this year.

Resolution 1: Connect with old friends.Do you have people in your life that no matter how long it's been between visits, it always feels as if no time has passed? Such people are valuable bridges in your life, connecting your past and present.

My Intervention
NO intervention ...this is one resolution I was able to implement immediately. That is, I'm determined not to allow the stresses of life to intervene with my most precious relationships. The modern world is a busy place, but I am going to continue my efforts to keep these relationships from the past strong even as I go out and meet new people. I hope you will, too.

Resolution 2: Be mindful.For centuries, notables worldwide have taught mindfulness. This practice--which has physical, spiritual, and emotional components--expands tolerance, resilience, and compassion. No equipment is needed, just your breath and senses. Anyone, anywhere can do it: a driver caught in traffic, an individual on a walk, or a harried executive with calls, emails, and appointments waiting.

Being more mindful helps us live in the present moment and develop a sense of peace . I wanted to incorporate this worthy practice, but I knew I couldn't do it alone.

My Intervention
I consulted another practitioner for help. He assured me that my overbooked life wasn't an obstacle. Mindfulness can be practiced for a short time wherever I happen to be.
The next day, I set my alarm 5 minutes early. (In the beginning, I thought this was all the time I could allow. Such impatience!) When the alarm sounded, I purposefully listened to my breathing and focused on waking up each of my senses. When my mind wandered, I gently steered it back to my breathing, which progressed from shallow to deep. Before I knew it, 5 minutes had passed.

Mindfulness is teaching me to pay closer attention to my activities, body, sights, sounds--all the sensations and life around and within me. There is no wrong time to practice mindfulness...even when I'm on hold during a phone call. Now I'm setting the alarm for 15 minutes earlier! I even found an iPhone app to complement the process.

Resolution 3: Set goals suited to ME!In the past, I might have given up when goals were tougher than expected. Today, I am more committed to finding workable solutions. But it's worth noting that I now recognize some plans fail for good reason. If a resolution isn't appropriate for my present situation, it's not me that needs to change; it's that goal.

A change that's incongruent with your beliefs or present lifestyle may not be in your best
interest. Neither is a resolution based on others' judgments, such as the relentlessly young, thin beauty ideals of our popular culture. Unrealistic, damaging goals dismiss the realities and disrespect the pleasures that come with our individuality.

My Intervention
A change that will enhance overall happiness, wellbeing, peace of mind, and satisfaction is worth a try. Just remember that there are no guarantees, and be prepared to adjust the goal.
When life doesn't go in the direction we'd planned, we are not broken. We are not mistakes. I believe that, so I simply do the best I can, even if it means changing midstream. In fact, each unsuccessful experience is an opportunity to authentically learn.

You are capable of achieving what you really want and need, even if you've been unsuccessful at it before. Are you ready to make a positive change in your own wellness ? Focus on some healthful personal goals now. You have nothing to lose, and so much potential benefit to gain!

Author's Bio: 

Roberta Roberts Mittman , L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., M.S., is a nutritional and lifestyle consultant, holistic mindset mentor, and nationally board-certified acupuncturist. Using natural, drug-free techniques, Roberta opens the door to complete mind-body health. Roberta's goal is not only to relieve patients' illness and discomfort, but to help them set realistic goals for physical and mental preventative care and overall wellness. Roberta believes in empowering individuals to be their own best healers.