Sometimes no matter how hard a couple tries, it is just impossible to keep a relationship together. Today it has become more important to make a relationship work.

For one reason or another, it has become so difficult to let go and move on when the time comes.

Great partners usually don’t want to hurt the others feelings and think that sticking in there may better in the long run. This is simply not the case.

The truth of the matter is that some relationships should be ended for the best interest of both parties. Sure, it is difficult.

This also contradicts the fact that when most new relationship are started, it is usually in the interest of both parties to find a deeper connection.

They want to become closer as the relationship moves on. However, sometimes there is a problem that cannot be overcome.

If this is the case, it is probably best to know when to let go of a relationship.

Here are some common reasons the relationship you have is ending or might be worth ending:

  1. Little things get the better of you

Every relationship has its bumps in the road. Little fights spark up here and there about what time someone came home, how much they drank at the Christmas party or whose family they will be spending time with during the holidays.

These are little things that can likely be solved easily but when they cannot and they boil over into constant fights then maybe it’s time to let go.

  1. Negative behaviors that beginning popping up

In the beginning of a relationship people may want to hide some things that don’t put them in a good light.

These might be things like overwhelming debt , a child out of wedlock or a laundry list of others.

If these come out during the relationship and are too much to handle then it might be time to move on.

  1. Having different needs that don’t agree

There are many things in life that people feel strongly about. They may have goals they want to accomplish or want to travel the world and this doesn’t always agree with their partner.

In some cases these needs or interests interfere with the ability to maintain a healthy relationship.

It is then pertinent that leaving the relationship is favored over trying to stay together just to keep the other person happy.

  1. External stress

Whether it comes from work or another outside force, the stresses of a relationship can lead to resentment of one other.

If the couple has tried to work through these and finds they are still at odds with each other over the matter then it could be time to call it quits.

  1. Power struggles

As the relationship progresses some partners may be less willing to compromise then they were in the beginning.

This leads to fights and resentment in the long run. One person may want to go out with friends more or limit the contact with the other’s friends.

This shouldn’t occur in a healthy relationship.If this is happening to you it may be a good indicator of when to let go of a relationship .

  1. Not finding a deeper connection

In the beginning of any relationship a lot of the attraction is based on superficial things.

These can be purely physical attraction or just charm as in liking the way someone smiles.

As the relationship carries on it is usually the time that a deeper connection is formed with common interests or goals.

The pair may want to have kids or take up learning a new sport together.

These things build a relationship and can take it to the next level and make it grow. If this does not happen then it might not be a relationship worth pursuing.

  1. Getting bored

No matter what you do, sometimes the relationship just fizzles out. The spark that was once there is no longer and the attraction you had to the person has all but disappeared.

These are clear indicators of the time to let go. There is no sense beating yourself up or staying in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy any longer. Sometimes these things just don’t work out.

  1. Lack of excitement

The reason people enter into relationships to begin with is because they want to feel something. Meeting their partner excites them and they want to know more about them.

They want to add to the exhilaration that builds when they are around the other person. When this spark is lost it becomes more of a routine.

A routine that often doesn’t make either one happy. This lack of excitement can be a warning sign that things are off track and it might be time to part ways.

  1. Compulsive behavior and addiction

Putting the relationship first is a key factor to maintaining a long healthy connection. When other things such as drugs, alcohol or external affairs become more important it is very hard to keep it together.

If the partner involved in these addictions or behaviors is unwilling to change then you might need to move on.

  1. Lack of communication

As a relationship moves on it can be more and more difficult to make the effort to keep the other happy. People can get into a rut of doing the same thing over and over again.

Communication can suffer and this can lead to arguments. One may feel that the other is not listening or paying enough attention.

Keeping these ten steps in mind is a good way to know when to let go of a relationship. It is always good to know when to let go because in the long run it will be better for both of you.

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is the founder of The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days - the ultimate source to get over exes  in a few days. If you are struggling to get over someone, signup for his  FREE report  and get instant relief.