We become awakened women when we clearly recognize our values and live our days with higher spiritual awareness.

We feed our relationships, members of our family , build our businesses, do our job from this consciousness.

I think that awakening does not mean raising awareness of our current roles, but recognizing our brilliant being, and we are watching the world with the heart of this pure wonderful being.

The turning point is the moment when Kore wakes up her consciousness and becomes Persephone, who goes beyond the shadows of the girl to become the goddess of the shadows.

I really like Persephone's story. It is a road which we also walk on as women.

We often meet our shadows - finances, family , partners, religious community, social expectations, sickness, dislike, worthlessness, rape, shame, domestic violence - which burden our shoulders with heavyweights.

When faced with them, (we consciously find the shadows that make us feel incomplete and

we are unable to unfold) we face the first phase of awakening.

This is the alarm, which does not guarantee to awaken.

You can choose freely. You can ask for your power or leave your fort, which helps to make changes.

You can say that you know it's not okay, but you cannot change it by saying that it was enough.

Pick yourself up and find a solution.

It is always your decision, but I'm sure that If you read this magazine, you will be ready to get out of your shadow into light and show your magical feminine glow!

How to Become an Awakened Woman - or Dear Partners, Would You Like Your Partner to Wake Up?

Years ago I dreamt of how I could be a wonderful, confident, valuable, charming, and successful woman.

I dreamt of realizing all my dreams and happily driving through the city streets in my new raucously sexy car.

I imagined it a hundred times.

I imagined it a thousand times.

And you know what happened?

Years went by and my dreams became reality one by one.

I became successful, confident, my self-confidence has evolved.

I did not buy a car.

I do not have a driving license.

I did not buy a new house.

I stayed the same as I was...

Or maybe not.

Yes. I've changed.

I found the way to my consciousness.

I found my passion .

I follow every move.

I have found the values that are important in my life. more important than sexy clothes, high heels, new cars, luxury items.

I found all that which gives me my life.

Silence. Calmness. Endless love. Forgiveness. Great conversations. Sunrise and sunset. Liberation. Soaring. Inner peace. Conscious creation. Passion - the blessing of awakened women.

Get your copy today and join the awakened women all over the world!


Author's Bio: 

Theresia Valoczy, International Best Seller Author, Publisher. Dreamer of Conscious Creators Magazine and International Spiritual Life-Development Community. www.consciouscreatorpublishing.com