Sinus infection, or sinusitis as it is usually called, is a common medical condition that causes blockage in one’s nasal passages. Bacteria, fungi, or virus are the usual culprits for sinusitis. Early signs to watch out for include frequent headaches, stuffiness of the nose, facial pain and nausea. For most people, sinusitis attack can only be mild, with over-the-counter sinus medication and proper rest enough to get rid of the symptoms after some time. But there are others who have to constantly battle sinusitis with symptoms not going away despite rigorous treatment. Chronic sinusitis is a problem for many. Are you one of them?

What is Chronic Sinusitis?Chronic sinusitis is characterized by swollen and inflamed sinuses. Because of the inflammation, mucus does not drain properly and builds up in the sinuses along with infectious micro organisms like bacteria, viruses and fungi. Symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing, severe headaches and facial pain, fever and nausea, begin to manifest. This condition usually lasts for more than eight weeks or keeps on coming back within the next few months.

Many people ask what causes this chronic condition. Usually, chronic sinusitis is caused by an infection that was not treated promptly. Aside from this, there are other factors that cause this type of sinus infection:
abnormal growths in the sinuses like polyps or tumors
deviated nasal septum
trauma or injury to the face
allergic reaction or respiratory tract infections
medical conditions such as hay fever, cystic fibrosis, gastro esophageal reflux or HIV

Sinus Medication and Treatment for Chronic SinusitisThere are many sinus medications and treatments designed to get rid of chronic sinusitis. When the infection is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are often prescribed for about 10 – 14 days. Fungal infection is often treated with anti-fungal sinus medication. Corticosteroids are used mainly to treat inflammation. Over the counter decongestants are effective against nasal congestion. Allergy shots are also helpful in reducing the body’s reaction to different allergens, leading to sinus infection. An important reminder when taking any sinus medication – always remember to consult a doctor first before taking in any drugs to avoid adverse side effects.

For chronic sinusitis brought about by abnormal growths or conditions of the nose or sinuses, sinus medications are only helpful in controlling the symptoms. These do not have any power on getting rid of the cause itself. If this is the case, an option you might want to consider is surgery. Endoscopic surgery entails removal of the obstruction in the nasal passages. This procedure is often expensive, with no guarantee that chronic sinusitis will not return.

Another treatment option that offers hope to chronic sinusitis patients is medicated irrigation. This form of treatment rinses the nasal passages with a medicated solution to flush out the excess mucus and other particles trapped inside the sinuses. Studies show that patients who do nasal irrigation report decrease in use of sinus medication and improved sinus health. The best thing about this form of treatment is that there are no known adverse side effects to the body. Ask your doctor for more information on this treatment.

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