Recently singer Sarah Marie kidnapped me.

If you’re going to be kidnapped, she’s the way to go.

We sometimes meet for coffee, and talk about everything from guitars and music to movies and dreams . We also “Nevillize” each others’ goals. She’s part of my support team for creating my own music, and I’m helping her produce a CD of ho’oponopono inspired, Opera-influenced healing music. I love spending time with her.

But this time Sarah said we would be going on a mysterious little trip. She didn’t offer any clues and my normal psychic powers couldn’t see in the dark.

I surrendered.

We met, got in my car, and I started driving.

And driving.

And driving.

We were going through remote wooded hilly areas that seemed perfect for UFO landings.

No sign of life.

No billboards.

No other cars.

Eventually we ended up at a hidden hilltop estate. As we passed through the front gate, Sarah told me this was the home of Martin Jacobvitz, a reclusive wood worker and luthier (guitar maker), and the jolly man was going to give me a private tour of his shop and guitar collection.

Now anyone who knows me knows I love guitars. I’ve met several luthiers and always learn a lot. The fact that Sarah arranged this private meeting was a thoughtful and priceless gift to me.

But the reason I’m sharing this story with you is this: the man who makes guitars in the seclusion of his home learned how from books .

From books !

Stop and think about this.

He didn’t take courses.

He didn’t do an apprenticeship.

He didn’t worry and fret about education and experience.

He didn’t let anyone talk him out of his wild desire and dream.

Instead, he simply read books and took action.

This is a huge secret to success:

You need very little to actually go for your dreams . Most of what you say you need are excuses for not taking action right now.

Let me give you a couple more examples:

Will Arntz is the man behind the hit movie What the Bleep!? I recently spent an evening with him. During it he told me he had no movie making experience at all. He hired people to help him. But when the editor he hired flaked out, Will simply took over the job. He learned movie editing on the fly and edited the now famous movie.

Nick Ortner is the man behind the great EFT movie The Tapping Solution. When I interviewed him, I asked what experience he had in creating movies. He said, “I had a membership card to Blockbuster.”

How could these people create globally recognized movies with no experience?

What these people have in common is desire.

And desire is all you need to get moving on your dreams .

Yes, money, resources, talent and a long list of other things would be nice to have, too.

But what do you really need?

What’s really stopping you?

I suggest the only thing in your way is lack of action.

And you are in control of that.

If you focused on your desire, and let your passion lead the way, you’d attract what you need as you need it.

Knowing this, what are you going to do today?

What’s really stopping you, anyway?

PS – I met Sarah Marie over a year ago, when she came to my local book signing for Attract Money Now and spontaneously sang for me. I expected her to sing some folk song. She didn’t. What she sang was so much more, and it fried everyone in the room, especially me. I wrote about her as “The Woman Who Sang Past Fear” here: Expect great things from her.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: