Doctors agree, the diet of a person has a significant impact on their chances of developing a yeast infection. There are certain foods, which have more chance of facilitating the conditions in the body, which allow the Candida Albicans organism to proliferate and unbalance the natural bacterial flora of the body.

There are a number of foods, which are best avoided by a person with a yeast infection problem. Because of the length of time to digest and the build up of heavy mucus, dairy foods from cows milk are not advised. The development of yeast infection can be encouraged by these two traits in dairy food. Large amounts of any dairy food is not a good idea but goats milk products are better than cows milk in this respect.

You might use oil for cooking and you should make sure you use olive oil instead of hydrogenated fat. Olive oil is much healthier and hydrogenated fat should be cut from the diet . For carbohydrates, yeast-free bread and non-gluten grains are the way to go. White flour and white rice should be dropped from the diet , along with foods made from them.

You do not want to provide the infection with food to grow so you should, of course, stay away from yeasty food. For example, vinegar, beer, mushrooms, dried fruit. Beer should be avoided for other reasons, the presence of alcohol. The amount of alcohol should be reduced because it is known to encourage the growth of Candida.

Refined sugar should be avoided, this is very important. It will encourage the growth of a yeast infection because it is the best source of energy for yeast.

When you already have a yeast infection and are looking for a yeast infection diet to get rid of it, the advice is similar. The plan should be to starve the fungus and so avoid all foods, which would provide any nourishment for it. Processed sugars and grains are examples of simple carbohydrates, which should be avoided. Complex carbohydrates are better, as contained in fresh vegetables. Vegetables are also good for absorbing toxins, which will be released by the yeast organisms as they die off.

Author's Bio: 

Christine Michaels is the creator of . There are many simple immediate steps to take in order to combat yeast infection. For more in depth information and advice, visit where you can find information on a range of topics about different types of infection, including yeast vaginal infection.