No matter what end of the therapy spectrum you are, it might do you well to learn about EFT. EFT refers to a new way to release repressed feelings known as Emotional Freedom Technique , and can revolutionize your therapy techniques.

EFT Creation and Development

EFT Therapy was created by Gary Craig. Craig functions as a minister for southern California's Universal Church of God. He has an engineering degree from Stanford as well. Despite this background, psychology and personal development have always been a big interest of his.

Defining EFT Therapy

EFT provides emotional acupressure to its recipients which has proven to be helpful. EFT Therapy involves healing through touch, as proper application of physical touch and healing to a specific point on your body can release years of tension and really accelerate one's emotional development.

Emotional issues can manifest themselves in your physical form. The most efficient way to release this accumulated emotional energy from your body is the acupressure techniques provided by EFT. You might doubt the effectiveness of this technique, but one look at the countless testimonies from satisfied, happy customers can tell you otherwise.

Your problems are healed instantly, which is one great drawing point for EFT therapy. Many people would have thought that, in order to mend emotional wounds, you need to talk things out through conversation, but online EFT systems can work just as well.

If you want to learn more about the Emotional Freedom Technique, there are free manuals you can download to read about EFT. In these manuals, you can learn about the history of the program, and some techniques you can apply to yourself. It's simple to apply EFT, with only two pages needed to explain the whole process.

You can use EFT therapy to cure yourself of several problems, such as:

1. Anxiety and Insomnia.You often can't have one without the other. Using EFT, you can figure out how to address your anxiety issues. You'll also start feeling more confident in yourself, helping you get better sleep and preventing panic attacks. It can often be jarring to learn just how quickly it can work for you.

2. Phobias.There are a wide range of phobias, from the minor fears to the irrational, crippling variety. In just a few hours, you can use EFT to eradicate even the most harmful phobias.

3. Anger.EFT therapy can help you experience a breakthrough in anger management . You can implement EFT effectively to release that repressed anger that accumulates in most of us.

4. Weight Problems and Addiction .No matter what you're addicted to, from booze to food, and even drugs, you can use EFT to treat it. With proper application of the therapy, your cravings can be curbed, and you might even lose them altogether.

Relationship Between Body and Mind

The mind and body are inescapably intertwined, which is evident once you begin any type of therapy. Stress can really start manifesting themselves in your body, negatively affecting you.

Stress can cause all sorts of problems such as:

* Backaches
* Headaches* Fatigue
* Discomfort

Use EFT to get red of the stress, and your body will stop exhibiting the physical symptoms as well. It's really easy to undergo EFT therapy method, and many clients have experienced a complete absence of their physical symptoms after they do this for a short time.

Having said all that, EFT Therapy is just like other therapy methods, in that satisfaction is not always guaranteed. There are always flaws to every system, and you might not benefit from EFT therapy in certain cases. However, if you've tried everything else and made no progress in your emotional development, try the Emotional Freedom Technique to see if it works for you. Many people have tried various therapies to no avail until they try EFT Therapy. So it is definitely worth your effort to give it a go.

No matter what your emotional problems may be, you could find that it's a quick, easy solution that you would have overlooked otherwise. You can find practitioners of EFT no matter what city you live in. You can seek out their help or do it on your own - either way, you'll start feeling better!

Author's Bio: 

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